Monday, January 2, 2012

An Open Door

"...a great door for effective work has opened to me..." 1 Corinthians 16:9

Closing the back cover of Marybeth Whalen's book, "She Makes It Look Easy", tears filled my eyes. Although only a fiction story, it held much truth. I had identified with several of the characters and longed for similar desires of friendship to be fulfilled.

Earlier in the story, Marybeth described a gate between the properties of two neighbours. Her writing posed a question I am still pondering. Do I view a gate as positive or negative? Do I see it as access or exclusion? As possibility or prevention? Permission or prohibition? Being received, or being rejected?

This morning I have read that a great door for effective work has opened to me. God is calling me to ministry. At the moment, the door may be open, but I have no idea where it is leading. I have a choice to continue peering through, or begin passing through. I am unaware what's on the other side, however the Lord is opening an opportunity.

Dear Lord, it's exciting for me to think that You have a new adventure for me to begin this year. As I reflect back over 2011, countless doors seemed to close...with force! So many plans were denied. I lived months being fenced in physically, unable to take part in activities due to health restraints. This morning an open door is ushering in freedom. Lord, You are saying that the time has come to return to living. You have strengthened my body, birthed new life in my soul and a vast world of possibility lies before me. Unlike Mary in the "Secret Garden", it is not I who unlocked this gate. You have opened it for me. May any fear be conquered with courage. Lord, keep me from hesitating too long at the entrance. As Charles Stanley has said, "Standing before an open door never resulted in a single changed life".

As my hand touches wrought-iron, my heart fills with hopeful anticipation.

"Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this." 2 Timothy 2:7

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elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Great news! Keep me posted as you'd like. Praying God grants you wisdom and strength as you proceed.


Maryann said...

Praying that God will give you the courage to walk though that gate and strength and wisdon as you proceed down the path he has set before you

~Grace and Peace said...

It's so good to see you updating your blog again.
Joining the others in praying for your new adventure.