Thursday, May 30, 2024


"David replied to Abigail, 'Praise the LORD the God of Israel, who has sent you to meet me today! Thank God for your good sense! Bless you for keeping me from murder and from carrying out vengeance with my own hands." 1 Samuel 25:32-33

After being refused provision by Nabal, David and 400 of his men have set out on a mission to kill all of Nabal's household. No inquiring of God. No self-control. Having just demonstrated such restraint from retaliating with Saul, now David acts with impulsive anger. 

Enter Abigail, Nabal's wife. In contrast to her husband's cruelty, Abigail shows kindness, humility and diplomacy. In wisdom she diverts a disaster. She quickly reminds David that God is caring for his life and that He will avenge. She encourages David not to blemish his record with the sin of murder, but trust the Lord. Abigail's encounter with David thwarts his plans and peace continues to reign. Although David was capable of great violence, he was easily entreated.

Peacemakers. These wonderful reconcilers who help defuse conflict when it begins to arise. It can be a risky role, but so valuable. We aren't talking about peacekeepers, those who keep peace at any cost, even forfeiting truth just to remain amicable. No, a peacemaker is one who uses good judgment and wisdom to be an arbitrator, intervening before situations escalate and emotions spiral out of control.

By pursuing peace, we pacify and disarm strife. Friction can only grow when we continue to fan the flame of discontent, demanding our rights. David thankfully did not appear to harbour a grudge or hold on to resentment. He received Abigail's appeal to keep a clear conscience.

It is fitting to mention again, (see January 5), growing up in our home, my mom could often bring disagreements between my twin sister and I to an abrupt end by cleverly beginning to sing. Over our angry yelling, mom's voice would rise with these lyrics: "To be like Jesus, To be like Jesus, All I ask, to be like Him. Along life's journey, From earth to glory, All I ask to be like Him." If that didn't silence the storm, then she would break into, "Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me, All His wonderful passion and purity. O Thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine, Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me." It was really hard to keep arguing with mom serenading us about being like Jesus and having His beauty seen in us. Her singing always worked, although I'm not sure if it was Holy Spirit conviction or my sister and I just joined forces in surrender to silence mom.

We need to seek godly resolution to conflict. When tempers flare and situations become heated, we can be agents of peace. With divine discernment and the power of the Holy Spirit we can find courage to speak. There is such benefit to a timely word delivered calmly and caringly. Abigail didn't emphasize the negative, attacking David with a list of how wrong and foolish his steps will be if carried out, but drew attention to God's calling on his life, highlighting a need for him to keep living out his destiny with integrity.

David praises God for Abigail's intervention and blesses her for preventing him from making a terrible mistake. Abigail is the Lord's instrument of interception and David's response reveals a heart growing more and more like God's.

Tensions and disagreements will arise in life and both Abigail and David provide excellent examples of how to be reconciler and receiver. In Matthew we are told, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." (Matthew 5:9 NIV) To the degree Christ reigns in our hearts, peace will rule. When God is sovereign, His Spirit in us will empower us, dictating our actions, and extending His peace to others. Let's live as peacemakers today.

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