Thursday, October 24, 2013

Claiming Faith

Kneeling beside me she exclaimed excitedly, "You know how you're always talking about having faith and trusting God for something big?  Well I am!  I'm trusting God for something big!"

Immediately she had my attention.  I love a good God-story.  This gal has often stood in a place of amazement, listening to the stories of others, yet longing to experience God herself.  We can't live with hand-me-downs in God's economy.  All ears, I was listening.

She went on to say she had booked a vacation.  Confused, I sat silently waiting to hear the rest of the story.

No, that was it.  She had booked a vacation.  It was all paid for and she'd be travelling again shortly.  Her faith came in needing a babysitter for her children who will be remaining behind.  Then, as she stood to hurry off and meet her family, she expressed that she hoped God wanted her to travel.

Whooooaaah!  This illustrates so often the way we approach God.  We desire for Him to bless our decisions.  We go ahead making plans, then spiritualize our efforts.  Here's an example of faith vocabulary for vacation gain.  Faith is not waiting on God to magically provide when we've run ahead and done things on our own.  I'm not saying God won't supply a babysitter, but maybe inquiry as to whether another trip right now was on His calendar might have been a better move first.

What if a babysitter doesn't materialize?  Will God be blamed?  Will she feel the fault lies in her lack of faith?  Too often God is accused at the expense of something we've excused.  Where was prayer?  Just because financially we are able to do something doesn't mean we should.  Just because it's our desire doesn't mean it's His desire for us.  Asking God for direction before moving ahead is always the best idea.

As disciples, we are called to follow, not lead.  Yes, God calls us to have faith and take steps we can't see, but steps along a path He views clearly.  He stands in our unknown, but we have to walk His way.  Taking a step of faith is like holding God's hand while walking blindfolded. His Hand is safe to hold.  We're trusting and walking without always having the certainty of the ground before us, but of the Guide beside us.

I really do hope things will work out for this gal, but even more I pray that we will not use faith vocabulary for personal gain.

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Jill Beran said...

Such important truth! We were just discussing this the other night at Titus24U! Your words also remind me of 1 Corinthians 10:23! The other night we also dug into John 6:22-27 - all about seeking Jesus for the right reason and with the right motives!! Such important stuff...thankful God's continued the conversation here!! Blessings to you Joy!!

Cheri Bunch said...

Thank you, Joy!
Very good word. You are an amazing teacher. Thank you for loving the Lord so much!

Love and blessings,

Zoe Elmore said...

Wise and Wonderful Words from one of my life's best & brightest inspirations. Thank you for always pointing me to Jesus. Hugs to you.