Saturday, November 16, 2013

Saturday Sharing - Free To Fly

I'm trying to remember how I first "met" Kathy.  I know our blogs brought us together, and I've enjoyed her company for so long now I feel like we've always been friends.

When I first "found" Kathy's blog immediately there were a few things I loved.  First, her heart for the Lord.  It was very obvious she loved Him deeply and was living a life surrendered to Him.

Second, Kathy owned a gift shop on her property, "Bittersweet Farm".  I wanted to purchase every product she sold.  It is a good thing she lives so far away because I would have had a hard time limiting myself to a budget if I visited her quaint country store.

The pictures she would post were always so inviting.  I mean, wouldn't you want to have a long chat and cup of tea with her here:

Also, a visit to her blog, originally titled, Blessed Builder, also found me humming along to some sweet song she would have playing.  I think one of my favourites was by Sixpence None the Richer: Kiss Me.  Precious lyrics for this romantic, and a tune I had never heard before.

A couple of days ago Kathy wrote a blog post that resonated in my heart.  It honestly is a sad reflection of complacency that has crept into the lives of many.  We have become desensitized to the world around us, taking part without feeling remorse.  Even yesterday a dear friend and I were speaking about the lack of moral absolutes.  Everything is excused and relative.  God's Word often is referred to as a "good Book", but not followed an obeyed as our "guide Book".

I'd love for you to read Kathy's writing, Flying Requires Two Well-Balanced Wings and What That Has to do With Cussing Christians.  Write a word of encouragement and tell her Joy say's 'hi'.

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1 comment:

Leah Adams said...

I 'met' Kathy this summer and have so enjoyed getting to know her.