Sunday, March 3, 2024


"I cling to You; Your strong right hand holds me securely." Psalm 63:8

Seeing her name appear I quickly grabbed my cell phone. It had been quite a while since I had spoken with this precious friend and I couldn't wait to hear her voice. With excitement and anticipation, I answered "Hello!" I instantly knew this wasn't just a casual call. Her voice betrayed her initial efforts to camouflage crisis. My inquiry of her well-being was met with tears. She proceeded to share news my mind couldn't begin to fathom. It seemed impossible. It couldn't be true.

What do we do when life suddenly changes, ushering in circumstances that turn our world upside down? We're in the middle of a mess beyond our comprehension, blindsided and confused. Winds of adversity are threatening to tear us away with hurricane force. In panic we reach out to grab hold of so many fruitless and futile things flying by us in our whirlwind. The Psalmist David knew there was one need. With everything in his being he would cling to the Lord. God is the only stable force in our storm.

What does it mean to cling to the Lord? The word "cling" speaks of adhering closely. It signifies holding tight by grasping or embracing. The idea of remaining attached as well as resisting any effort that comes against us is implied. This is a closeness that resolutely refuses to let go. 

Depending on your age, you may recall "Klingons" from the Star Trek series. They were a fictional species characterized by ruthlessness. We may be wise to take a lesson from these sci-fi guys. As "Cling-ons" we require the same relentless pursuit of God, recognizing that His grip of grace also holds us securely.

It makes me think of Jacob when he wrestled with the Lord in Genesis 32. Exhausted and weary he voiced, "I will not let You go unless You bless me." Our clinging is often directly proportional to our desperation. The greater the need the tighter the grasp. It is often pain that pushes us closer to the Lord, yet in reality we need to be holding just as tightly during seasons of ease. It shouldn't take a struggle to fix our focus back on our longing for the Lord's presence.

Do we wrap our arms around the Lord with such tenacity that absolutely nothing can create a wedge between us? I think the primary way we do this is through prayer. We pitch our tents in His throne room. We aren't leaving. Floors are worn by bended knee. Like the persistent widow we will not lose heart. Labouring fervently, we don't give up, we won't give up, we refuse to give up, we can't give up!

Like my sweet friend you may need to know God's divine touch and the awareness of His presence. Let's pray together.

Father, empty my hands of efforts to fix and my mind from formulas that fail. Tighten my grip. Weak and weary, lost and confused I need strength to cling. Let me feel Your fingers entwined with mine. Life has ushered in unexpected hurt that I don't understand and I definitely don't like. I feel afraid and alone. Powerless, I need Your help. May Your sovereignty in every situation bring comfort and Your authority fill me with peace. To You, and You alone, I will cling on.

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