Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The LORD Is Our Righteousness

"And this will be His name: 'The LORD Is Our Righteousness.'" Jeremiah 23:6

Sometimes I think for those of us who grew up in the church since birth, we have sadly become too accustomed to hearing familiar Bible verses. Listening to the same scriptures being read since our nursery days, we sit back comfortably when we recognize a phrase or passage that has often been repeated in our hearing. We can almost cruise on autopilot, and miss out on understanding or comprehending the truth. In its familiarity we respond to the most amazing and incredible truths as common. Reading through Jeremiah 23 that is exactly what happened to me. 

If we were to take a quiz right now, and I asked you to list the names of God found in Scripture, I'm sure together we could come up with an impressive compilation. We can recite them easily and could probably tag on a few scripture references too, but have we truly stopped to consider the meaning of each title? God's names help to describe and define His character and His actions. Each name highlights a specific part of His nature. Today we are considering what it means that 'The LORD Is Our Righteousness.'

First, we need to understand righteousness. To live righteously involves acting justly, honestly, faithfully, obediently and morally right. Just writing those words I am exhausted. This standard of living is impossible on our own, but then add to that God's requirement for righteousness, which is perfection in action, attribute and attitude, and the expected grade is overwhelming. This is where this particular name of God washes over our lives bringing sweet relief. 'The LORD Is Our Righteousness.'

On our own, we cannot attain this level of living. 2 Corinthians 5:21 brings us the answer. "For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ." The New International Version writes it this way, "God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." This means, that sinners saved by grace, become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. This is how fallen humans are restored and reconciled in relationship to our Creator God. This great exchange of our sin for Christ's righteousness is our salvation. This is not about the goodness of man, but we become "the righteousness of God." 

Without exception, Paul tells us in Romans 3:10, that no one is righteous, no not one. Our nature is evil and our hearts are wicked. Without Christ we live in total depravity. Even the good things we do fall so short of the holiness of God. We cannot achieve the righteousness God requires on our own. In this beautiful name of Christ, at salvation the Lord's righteousness becomes our righteousness through His death on the cross. This is guaranteed and not disputable, however, the practical application of living completely righteously through the power of the Holy Spirit will not be perfected until heaven. Romans 6 encourages us to be "instruments of righteousness", and that will happen as we yield ourselves more and more to Christ's lordship.

God's name, "The LORD Is Our Righteousness", is a name of hope. The prophecy of a righteous descendent from the lineage of David arising, ruling with wisdom and justice is now accomplished. We see this fulfillment through Jesus Christ. For those of us who have responded to Christ's invitation, believing in Him, repenting and receiving forgiveness of our sins, God has clothed us in garments of salvation and robed us in righteousness (Isaiah 61:10).

For Christ-followers, "The LORD Is Our Righteousness." The question to ask today, are you trusting in the Lord as "your" personal righteousness? Turn to Him today and experience this name of God over your life.

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