Thursday, October 17, 2024

'Yes' Without Success

"Then Jeremiah spoke to the officials and the people in his own defense. 'The LORD sent me to prophesy against this Temple and this city,' he said. 'The LORD gave me every word that I have spoken. But if you stop your sinning and begin to obey the LORD your God, He will change His mind about this disaster that He has announced against you. As for me, I am in your hands - do with me as you think best. But if you kill me, rest assured that you will be killing an innocent man! The responsibility for such a deed will lie on you, on this city, and on every person living in it. For it is absolutely true that the LORD sent me to speak every word you have heard." Jeremiah 26:12-15

Sometimes life just seems so unfair.

There are many stories of individuals just like Jeremiah who receive a call from God on their life. Immediately they respond with excitement, imagining the glorious outcome of their obedience, but instead are faced with discouragement and opposition. How do we handle times when we know we are doing what is right, walking in step with the Lord, but rather than the delight and joy we thought would accompany our calling, results are miniscule, we are not accepted as we expected, and some even openly stand in the way against us? In frustration edged with anger we cry out to the Lord, "But Father, I said 'yes' to You. Why is there not more fruit and opportunities?"

The prophet Jeremiah was called to speak to the nation of Judah on God's behalf. Jeremiah was faithful to deliver every message the Lord led him to share, but because his words spoke against the sin of the people, with clearly defined consequences to come, he was now facing the possibility of death at the hands of the very ones God had sent him to caution. If these people remained unrepentant, they would face coming disaster.

Jeremiah was doing everything right. He was following God. Sharing His word. Yet despite the prophet's faithful efforts to follow in faith, life became even more difficult. His ministry results were not just lean, they were mean! Maybe we do not experience outright opposition, but our 'yes' to God can be more striving than thriving. All we envisioned at the moment of decision as we joyfully abandoned ourselves to God's call, has been overshadowed by hard work, without the harvest we had anticipated. In our minds we reflect and recall the moment God placed this vocation on our hearts. The invitation is still undeniable. We do not doubt God wants us doing exactly what we are working so diligently to accomplish, but why does it have to be such an uphill climb? Why can it not be easier?

Challenges to our calling our inevitable. One of the tools the enemy uses to his greatest advantage is to discourage us in our calling. He begins resisting us in every area of advancement for Kingdom purposes and discouragement is his weapon of choice. He knows he cannot make us forget the precious moment when God summoned us to service for Him, but he can make life so difficult that we consider abandoning the call. Satan's opposition does not come to those sitting back and doing nothing. It comes to those already in the trenches.

So, what can we do? How can we combat the weariness and frustration? How can we protect our thoughts from accusing God for not fulfilling His part? We need to encourage ourselves that God is still honoured in our 'yes' even when all evidence of impact is unseen. Our 'yes' is not about results. Our 'yes' is about obedience. Jeremiah delivered God's message, and the responsibility of the outcome is God's, and does not reflect on the prophet's efforts. Our 'yes' is no less in the eyes of God when the outcome we had hoped for does not appear to be reached. When the congregation is small. When the spouse is unfaithful. When the funds are diminishing. When the books do not sell. When the invitations to speak are few. When the mothering seems thankless. When the boss is unappreciative. When will we finally accept and understand that obedience to God's call is not about success, but instead our 'yes' reveals our love to Him.

A flower that blooms unseen in a remote location still gives testimony to God's amazing creation. If it's petals all fall before ever being noticed, it has still fulfilled its purpose for the Lord and He is pleased. Keep blooming friend. Do not give up. You are exactly where God desires you to be. Wait on Him for the next move and all the results. 

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