Sunday, April 21, 2024

Fearless or Fear Less?

"Praise the LORD! How joyful are those who fear the LORD and delight in obeying His commands...They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the LORD to care for them. They are confident and fearless..." Psalm 112:1, 7-8a

After hearing the speaker's introductory phrase, I was lost in thought: "Imagine a day without fear."

I know that previous devotions have touched on this nemesis, but if scripture can admonish us approximately 365 times not to fear, surely I can tackle the topic again today. You see, for me to envision a day without fear, it would have to be "imagined". At some moment of every day fear catches me off guard. As my constant companion it finds me, wrapping its tentacles around me in a vice grip. The thought of living even a day without it holds me spellbound. Is it even possible?

Today's verses clearly express two types of fear. Good fear and bad fear. One is to reverence and be in awe of the Lord. The other is the panic that pulses through our emotions and initiates fight or flight. Although this initial response is involuntary it's not how Christ-followers are called to live. In 2 Timothy 1:7, we are told that "God has not given us the spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline."

I hear the Lord coming to me again and asking, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" (Matthew 8:26). In love He inquires, "What is it this time?" The sad thing is, not only is there a "this time", there will probably be a "next time". I desire so much for my faith in God to banish all fear. I want to live with such confidence in the care of the Lord that I don't fear bad news. See, that's the point. It's not that bad news doesn't come, but when it does, fear isn't standing by its side, Jesus is.

As debilitating as fear can be, I will say this. I'm so thankful that when push comes to shove the Lord gives me strength not to let fear make any final decisions. Staring fear in the face the Lord has enabled me to overcome situations and be victorious, not because I was strong but because of powerful presence in me.

There isn't a formula to free ourselves from fear. There isn't a 10-step program or a technique that guarantees success in this area. Rather than trying to deny it, maybe like the Apostle Paul we need to declare it's reality in our hearts before we can fully depend on God to supply all we need in spite of our fear. Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling" (1 Corinthians 2:3). Maybe part of fear's hold is its shame. We feel that as Christ-followers fear is evidence of weak faith. Fear is evidence that we need faith. 

I personally feel that if we are breathing, faith and fear will continually rub shoulders, but only one can ultimately govern our thoughts and actions. It comes down to who wins? Victory will go to whoever is fed the best. I don't know that we can eradicate fear completely but God can alleviate its impact as we take hold of the promises in His Word so that it doesn't dominate our lives.

Not certain if this side of eternity we will be fearless, but we can fear less as we joyfully delight in obeying the Lord and grow in our reverent awe of His holiness. Doing so, our confident trust in God will increase. Fearing not will go from imagination to actualization as we walk hand-in-hand with our Saviour.  

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