Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Down From His Glory!

"Open the heavens, LORD, and come down." Psalm 144:5a

When my twin sister and I were younger, one of the piano duets we played the most frequently was the old gospel song, "Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul". Heaven coming down to earth in the form of a baby. Today we celebrate our Saviour's birth. He left the glory of Heaven so that we could experience His glory in our hearts.

The lyrics of other songs come to mind. "King of Heaven come down, King of Heaven come now, Let Your glory reign shining like the day, King of Heaven come." But maybe the one that brings the clearest message is "Down From His Glory". If you are not familiar with this beautiful song written by William E. Booth-Clibborn in 1921, may these precious words be the prayer we lift with thankful hearts for God's most precious gift to us. Merry Christmas!

Down from His glory
Every-living story
My God and Savior came
And Jesus was His name
Born in a manger
To His own a stranger
A man of sorrows, tears 
And agony

What condescension
Bringing us redemption
That in the dead of night
Not one faint hope in sight
God gracious, tender
Laid aside His splendor
Stooping to woo, to win
To save my soul

Without reluctance
Flesh and blood His substance
He took the form of man
Revealed the hidden plan
Oh, glorious mystery
Sacrifice of Calvary
And now I know Thou art
The Great I AM

Oh, how I love Him!
How I adore Him!
My breath, my sunshine
My all in all
The great Creator
Became my Savior
And all God's fullness
Dwelleth in Him.

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