Friday, December 27, 2024

Glimpses of God

"Then in heaven, the Temple of God was opened and the Ark of His covenant could be seen inside the Temple." Revelation 11:19a

If I am being totally honest, the book of Revelation can intimidate me. Although I have read it multiple times and sat under some tremendous teaching as Pastors have used exegesis to explain passages, there is still much that I do not fully comprehend or understand. There are verses that excite me. some descriptions frighten me. Others confuse me. But today I was drawn to a sentence that has given me so much peace.

"Then in heaven, the Temple of God was opened and the Ark of His covenant could be seen inside the Temple." Amidst all the dramatic scenes and the variety of characters that appear in this final book of the New Testament, a very key fact is shared before any more of the events unfold. John tells us that he sees the Ark of God's covenant. Why is this so important for us to stop and consider? Do you recall what the Ark of God's covenant symbolized? John in essence saw what our hearts need to hold on to more than anything else to carry us through these unexplainable happenings. He is reminding us of the presence and power of God.

Friends, I do not know what the year has held or is holding for you at this moment, but whatever we are facing God desires us to know that His presence and power are with us. Victory is promised. Maybe not the victory for which we have been praying, but triumph nonetheless. When we are walking through dark and difficult days, we desperately need to know that we are not alone. God graciously gives us glimpses of Himself that enable us to keep going.

The Ark of the covenant also contained grace markers, visual reminders of God's provision. These items were the tablets of testimony, a jar of manna, and Aaron's staff that budded. Each item gave witness of God's faithfulness, care and protection. Like the Israelites, we are a forgetful people, and even with these evidences in the Ark of the ways God cares for us, over time, what was precious once, can lose its true significance.

When we face exceptionally troublesome times, trusting God through each trial is not easy, but it is the only way. You see, the Christian life is not about us trying to control and cope on our own. Even more than living for God, He desires to be living through us. At the point of salvation God's presence and power become available to us.

Whatever we are currently navigating, we can rest in God's presence filling us and His power strengthening us. You see, God promises that He will never leave us, and Psalm 146:6 tells us that "He keeps every promise forever." We can believe and trust in His every word.

Today I am praying for those who are weary. I am lifting up those who need to see, as John saw, a vision of hope through the cracks of light in your dark. I am asking God to somehow show you that you are not alone, even in the moments and on the days that it really feels like you have been abandoned. I am thinking of those who are physically, emotionally or spiritually depleted. You feel drained of every ounce of energy. I am praying that you know God sees you. run to Him. He wants to uphold you with His power. Following Jesus is not a journey for the faint of heart, but the Lord longs to carry you and provide for your every need. Through the heartache, chaos and confusion may He personally give you the needed visual reminder of who He is so that your trust remains.

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