Thursday, June 19, 2008

Letting Go and Letting God

Hi Friends,
Just wanted to let you know I won't be back now to post until Monday. Leaving early tomorrow morning for North Carolina to attend the "She Speaks" conference. Would so appreciate your prayers. As many of you know, I'm nervous about flying, but I won't be travelling alone - the God of the entire Universe will be sitting with me.

Wanted to share one verse today before I leave: Colossians 3:15, "And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts..."

The thing that struck me about that verse as I read it now is the word 'let'. That word implies that the peace is already right there - available - but it's up to us to allow it to flow in our lives. It's up to us to permit it to have access to our hearts. That involves surrender. In order for the peace to move in gently, we must open the door and welcome it.

Where do you need His peace today? Let go, let God, and let His peace flood your heart.

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Michelle said...

Will be praying for you tomorrow morning, cant wait to hear how great everything went and how you overcame your fear of flying on a trip to 'She Speaks' in 2008!!!!

Love you lots!

Yolanda said...


That was RICH insight. God gave it to you at just the perfect time, not early and not late, just right on time.

Be blessed and a blessing as you spread the JOY of Christ on those all around you this weekend.

Love ya Girlfriend!

Catherine said...

Hey friend,

You're just in the air now and your sister has prayed you through the night and this morning we lifted you before the Throne of Grace together. Will be praying for you this morning as you take wings and fly, fully trusting God as you follow where He has led you.

Love you so much. Have a GREAT time!!!