Sunday, January 28, 2024

Actions and Attitudes that Affirm Faith

"I pray to You, O LORD, my rock. Do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if You are silent, I might as well give up and die. Listen to my prayer for mercy as I cry out to You for help, as I lift my hands toward Your holy sanctuary....Praise the LORD! For He has heard my cry for mercy. The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving." Psalm 28:1-2, 6-7

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David gives us an excellent example of what to do between a prayer and an answer. Just yesterday I was messaging with a friend who is looking to the Lord for direction and hasn't yet received any specific guidance. It can be difficult to rest and experience joy in the unknown, but it is possible.

Coming to the Lord seeking deliverance, David is desperate. He recognizes that without the Lord's help he will remain in distress. David not only knows to take his request to the Lord, but he acknowledges his dependence on Him as his rock. He longs to hear an answer from God. There is nothing more agonizing, so seemingly hopeless, so killing, as a soul seeking God's favour fervently and being met with His silence. Yet, even in his misery David lifts up his hands, not only in earnest desire, but in earnest anticipation. David expects an answer and his hands are raised, ready to receive.

Nowhere in this Psalm do we see evidence that the answer was provided, but David turns his words to the assurance of truths. He worships God for who He is and declares what he knows to be true. In faith he begins to give thanks to the Lord for hearing his prayer. Even though the silence continues he is as confident in the answer as if it has already been provided. Accepting and believing God had heard the cries of his heart, David begins to praise the Lord. He acknowledges that going to the Lord is never in vain. A heart that unwaveringly holds to this truth will be filled with great joy. A heart that bursts out in song expresses its delight in gratitude.

Is God your strength and shield in the silence that is holding you captive today? In the waiting how does your life testify to the truth of His power and protection? Plead in prayer. Reassure yourself that God promises to hear. Reaffirm your trust. When we can't see God's immediate provision may we lean into His faithfulness. Acknowledge the Lord. Lift up your hands. Expect. Listen. God will answer in His time and according to His will. Worship as you wait.