Thursday, January 18, 2024

Crisscrossed Blessing

"But Jacob crossed his arms as he reached out to lay his hands on the boys' heads..." Genesis 48:14

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Jacob's life is drawing to an end and Joseph brings his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim to his father to each receive a blessing. It was customary that the oldest son, Manasseh, would be granted the greatest blessing. Even though Joseph did his best to position the boys before his father so they could be appropriately blessed, Jacob crossed his arms as he reached out his hands, pronouncing the greater blessing over the younger son, Ephraim.

Immediately Joseph sees the "mistake" and attempts to correct the error being made, but his father responds, "I know, my son, I know." (Gen 48:19)

Jacob's words moved me to tears. I thought of times when God's answers to me have seemed crisscrossed, just like Jacob's hands. I've felt so certain that God was going to move in one direction, providing as I had expected and yet the opposite has occurred. The "right-hand" blessing that I longed to see fulfilled didn't fall on my head. Instead I've received the lesser....or was it?

Just like the intentional switching of Jacob's hands, so everything that God permits to touch our lives is purposeful and planned. As we look up to Him in confusion He says, "I know, my child, I know. I know this isn't what you prayed would happen. It's not what you desired, but trust Me. Although it may not appear this way to you at the moment, this is the blessing that will draw you closest to Me."

Lord, I pray You will strengthen my trust in You. When things seem crisscrossed to my understanding may I know that from Your view in heaven the path is accurate and Your way is perfect (Ps 18:30,32). Help me not to resist the road before me, but be confident in Your hand on me, guiding each step and bringing the blessing that will make me more like You.


Anonymous said...

Yes. I'm far too often confused or wanting to correct what I perceive as crisscrossed.

Sita said...

Indeed. Jacob’s “I know, I know” reminds me that His ways are not our ways, but that His way is always perfect.