Monday, January 15, 2024

Notice and Know

"The LORD was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything he did as he served in the home of his Egyptian master. Potiphar noticed this and realized that the LORD was with Joseph..." Genesis 39:2-3a

God promises His presence with us at all times. His very name, Immanuel, means God with us (Matthew 1:22-23). As Christ-followers, He is also with us through the Holy Spirit dwelling in us (John 14:16-17). I love the promise of Jesus from Matthew 28:20, "And behold, I am always with you, to the end of the age." David, in Psalm 139, reminds us that there is absolutely nowhere we can go where God's presence isn't with us.

One prayer we really don't need to continually pray is "Lord be with me". He is with us. We may more accurately ask that He make us aware of His presence, but we need never doubt that He is with us. The Lord being with Joseph was manifest through the blessings and favour that became evident wherever God placed him. Blessing and favour not to bring glory to Joseph, but to God. Potiphar didn't notice that Joseph was great, but in seeing his success realized the Lord was with Joseph.

What do our lives reveal? Do others look at our achievements and blessings and think, she must be really diligent, or he works extra hours to accomplish his goals? Hard work is something to commend and the Bible tells us to do everything as unto the Lord, but we must remember and acknowledge that any favour we receive is because of the Lord's hand on our lives.

So, are blessings the only evidence that God is with us? No. We also see through Joseph's life that God's presence with us doesn't mean we won't face difficulties, but we won't walk through them alone.

I think it's so beautiful that Potiphar not only noticed a difference, he identified that it was the Lord with Joseph that made the difference. We are never told that this Egyptian army leader ever came to know the Lord, but he had opportunity to see Him through the life of Joseph. My prayer today is that God, who is always with me, will be seen through me. Whether evidenced by favour or hardship, may others both notice and know the Lord because of His presence filling my life.

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Anonymous said...

One prayer we really don't need to continually pray is "Lord be with me". He is with us. We may more accurately ask that He make us aware of His presence, but we need never doubt that He is with us.

Yes, Joy! This has been a focus of mine lately!

Anonymous said...

This is my prayer as well, that others may see that God is with Sita in the good and the bad times. Thank you Joy for deepening my reading though Lina’s plan.🙏