Friday, September 27, 2024

"I'm Following Jesus!"

"...And I will pour out My Spirit on your descendants, and My blessing on your children. They will thrive like watered grass, like willows on a riverbank. Some will proudly claim, 'I belong to the LORD.'..." Isaiah 44:3b-5a

On August 21st, 2024 at 8:59pm a note arrived in my Facebook Messenger. I was curled up in my pajamas watching an episode of "When Calls the Heart". Seeing my son was the sender, I paused the program to read what he had sent. If you are a mother of boys, you know that when your son writes to you, it is something of importance. Opening his text, I read:

"Wanted to let you know that Matthew wanted to ask Jesus to save him tonight. We read and talked about the parable of the lost sheep and the lost coin in his parable book - he seemed to follow along with them a lot more than he usually does in our bedtime routine. For example, he was asking questions about where the sheep went and who the people were in the pictures. After reading, I told him (as I have done for most of the summer) that if he ever wants to ask Jesus to save him (like the sheep), he can tell us and we will help him pray and do that. I've tried not to present the decision in such a way that he would just say 'yes' like he usually does when answering a question. So, his typical response to 'tell us if you want to' is 'okay' or nodding that he understands and moves on, but tonight he said, 'I want to.' So, we prayed together with him repeating little phrases at a time asking Jesus to forgive him, save him and help him follow Him. Since those parables end with the rejoicing of the angels in heaven, we said how heaven was having a big party tonight and that we will have a big party soon too. 🥳👏"

Nothing like jumping right to the punch line in the first sentence! I was now wide awake! I went racing upstairs to share this story with "Grandpa" and together we rejoiced, with tears flowing, so very thankful for God's call on little Matthew's life. After sending a voice message back to Christopher, I turned on the oven and began to bake a cake! We already had plans to be at their home early the next day, and we would arrive with an impromptu party!!

The following morning, stopping at the Dollar Tree on our way and purchasing a bouquet of helium balloons, one that even said "It's Your Day", we raced over and set up a small celebration in their backyard before our arrival was detected. As little Matthew came outside, seeing the cake, balloons and gifts he looked at me and said, "Mamma, what's all this?" I bent down to look at his precious wee face and with excitement said, "Grandpa and I are celebrating! What did you do yesterday?" With enthusiasm that equaled mine, he exclaimed, "I'm following Jesus!" Oh the delight to hear it from his little voice. Yes, he's only three-years-old, but so was his Daddy when he responded to Christ's invitation of salvation. Yes, he will continue to need to be taught and guided for further understanding and surrender, but at this moment, to his level of comprehension, he has taken a step of obedience to God's call on his young life.

Later that morning we went to the park and at random times Matthew would just exclaim with delight, "I'm following Jesus!" How it blessed my heart to watch his joy in the decision he has made. Without hesitation he continues to tell others. I pray that he will never lose this passion to exclaim his love for Christ. From Romans 12:11 I ask the Lord that Matthew's zeal will never subside, but he will keep, and God will grow, this little boy's fervour for serving and following the Lord.

The childhood chorus comes to mind. "I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back." With every ounce of longing in my heart, I pray that will be Matthew's testimony. I pray protection over this decision from worldly influences that would threaten to draw him away from a life lived surrendered and abandoned to Christ. May this little boy grow to love the Lord more and more. May God pour out His Spirit on our descendants, blessing our children. May they thrive like watered grass, like willows on a riverbank. May they proclaim loud and heartily, "I belong to the LORD!"

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