Sunday, September 29, 2024

Standing With Me

"In His unfailing love, my God will stand with me..." Psalm 59:10a

Being an identical twin, growing up it was rare that I ever had to stand alone. For the first 18 years of my life, I had a constant companion who walked with me day-by-day. For all my "firsts" I had my best friend by my side. My sister Japhia and I were pretty much inseparable. We loved being together and although we had our moments of disagreement, as any siblings experience, for the most part we were each other's champions, encouraging one another and providing an insurance policy against loneliness.

As we entered adulthood, with employment taking us in different directions, we encountered what most children face at a young age, stepping into situations without the physical presence of a supporter by our side. Having never experienced environments alone, it was a new adventure for both of us. Suddenly walking into crowded rooms became more daunting. Groups did not appear as welcoming. Feeling shy and intimidated, faces that never frightened us before, appeared unreceptive. It was a new world we were seeing for the first time.

As adults it can still be unnerving to attend events on our own, and not just for my sister and I. Recently my church hosted an evening event for women. I believe attendance was around 300 ladies. A sweet gal was sharing how insecure she felt going without knowing if anyone would sit with her. The fear of empty chairs surrounding her, while other tables filled with friendship and laughter created a hesitation and lack of confidence. It took tremendous courage for her to step out and hope to feel noticed, wanted and desired.

Years ago, my sister and I attended a day event out of town. When we were dismissed for lunch, we followed the flow of women to a gymnasium where a buffet was beautifully set up. After filling our plates with the meal provided, we took our seats at a round table. Not one single person came to sit with us. I still remember how awkward it felt. It was as if neon lights were displaying to everyone that we were the "new girls". No-one made any effort to make us feel welcome...until...the coordinator of the event appeared. She saw us sitting alone and grabbed her team to come and join us. 

It is hearing these stories and experiencing them myself that has made me very sensitive to the one who appears alone. The incredible courage it takes to walk into these situations speaks of an immediate need that surpassed the fear. That strength of character is worth knowing. Years ago, I attended an event at my church with the purpose of watching for a gal who came solo. Seeing a woman in the foyer sitting by herself while others mingled around her, I went over and introduced myself. This was her first visit to our church. She had seen a poster advertising the ladies day and decided to come. I asked her if she would like to join me for the day at which she quickly responded in the affirmative. But what if no-one had approached her? What if no-one saw her? What if the distance everyone kept just confirmed in her heart that she was not worthy or wanted?

It is in moments like these that as children of God we must remember that the Lord does not just stand on our side (Isaiah 50:9 NLT) but by our side. We never have to enter any circumstance on our own. In His unfailing love, He stands with us. He does not keep Himself at a distance, but draws near. He seeks us out and desires to be with us.

Standing alone, standing through hardships, standing for righteousness, standing for truth, standing in the face of opposition, our own strength gets depleted. Knowing that the Lord stands with us, not as a silent observer, but as One who goes before, anticipating our needs, our courage is renewed.

It is said that abandonment is a wound that never heals. In God's unfailing love, our pain can be replaced with peace. We can stand in any situation because God stands with us. His faithful presence with us should affect our daily lives and empower us to face every circumstance that makes us fear. Are we aware of the incredible truth that God is by our side, standing with us? We can face each day in His strengthening presence. May our testimony be, the Lord stood with me.

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