Monday, September 23, 2024

Tear Off the Roof

"But the LORD says: 'Now I will stand up. Now I will show My power and might.'" Isaiah 33:10

Returning to our Discipling Community group at the church last evening, our facilitator began the meeting by asking if there were any prayer requests. As different members began to share, one theme became evident. Many of the items mentioned were ones that had been shared in the Spring, before our summer break. The needs were still present. It appeared in some situations that nothing had changed, at least not outwardly. The dear ones with heavy burdens were still surrounded by circumstances and crisis that require a touch from God. One gentleman expressed his lack of understanding in a God who allows such suffering, especially to moms with young children. Another grandma echoed his thoughts as she shared about her granddaughter's cancer that had returned. A mom of two adult boys, both with their own emotional and spiritual needs, longs to see them passionately pursuing Christ.

Reading the verse above, I pray, Lord, would You say it again? Would you say it over our lives? We all long to see Your power displayed today. An invisible thread of pain, confusion and longing binds so many together, and in these desperate moments we come to You, falling on our knees and seeking Your help. We cry to see Your power and might displayed. Would today be the day that You stand up in our lives, that You will show and we will see, not necessarily a 100% turn-around, although we know You can, but something, anything that lets us know You haven't forgotten us as these seasons of hardship continue. Release us from the weight any lengthy burden brings, and help us cast the concern and ourselves on You, believing in Your loving purposes in our lives. Strengthen our faith Lord as we wait for You to "tear off the roof".

"Tear off the roof, The King's in the house.
Just get me to Jesus, I don't care how.
I don't have to wait to get the healing, I gotta faith without a ceiling.
So tear off the roof, 'Cause the King's in the house.

There's power in the presence, Power in the blood, Power in the name of Jesus.
There's power in the presence, Power in the blood, Power in the name of Jesus.
And He has more in the hem of His garment, Then the camp of the enemy.
There's power in the presence, Power in the blood, Power in the name of Jesus.

I didn't come here to hide in the crowd, I'm pressing through to You.
I don't care how, Reaching out my hand to get the healing.
I've got a faith beyond the bleeding, 'Cause I didn't come here to hide in the crowd.

There's power in the presence, Power in the blood, Power in the name of Jesus.
There's power in the presence, Power in the blood, Power in the name of Jesus.
And He has more in the hem of His garment, Then the camp of the enemy.
There's power in the presence, Power in the blood, Power in the name of Jesus.
There's power in the name of Jesus.

There is a life changing, Grave shaking, Dead raising power in the room
Heart-healing, Hell-stealing, No ceiling power, So tear off the roof.

Tear off the roof, Tear off the roof."

"Tear Off the Roof" - Brandon Lake/Chris Davenport/Hank Bentley/Jacob Sooter/Jordan Colle; Capitol CMG Publishing, Integrity Music, copyright 2023

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