Saturday, January 20, 2024

A Joseph Calling

"Joseph, to whom she was engaged, was a righteous man and did not want to disgrace her publicly, so he decided to break the engagement quietly."  Matthew 1:19

Reading a very familiar passage today my heart was drawn to Joseph. Although scripture is silent about most of his life, I think there's one thing we need to clearly see. As Mary's fiancé, Joseph was just as chosen as Mary, and his quiet integrity may be one of the reasons God chose him. His role in the account of Jesus life, although not diminished, is often neglected, but I'm thinking he was ok with that. Mary certainly took center stage giving birth to the Messiah, and as the chapters in scripture unfold Joseph fades into the background. Mary and Jesus would get far more attention than he ever would receive, but he remained a faithful husband as he obediently followed every recorded direction from the Lord.

We need to understand that vital doesn't have to mean visible. God can call us to unseen Kingdom work that happens in backgrounds, basements, back seats and behind the scenes. There are many personalities who would find this hidden work hard, if not impossible, so God chooses those with quiet character and a level of humility needed to carry out these tasks. Their commitment to the invisible, often allows and enables those in the spotlight to shine even brighter.

The expression "second fiddle" has come to be a term that suggests unimportant, minor or small input. It implies a lesser position, yet any conductor would tell you that it's the most difficult position to play. Music and harmony are achieved only through the participation of all. 

Every calling from God is necessary. A servant heart doesn't calculate the perceived importance of any role, it knows the value of the cup of cold water given in Christ's name and places it in the hand of the one who is thirsty with the same love and enthusiasm as the one who walks on stage to thunderous applause. If you have a "Joseph calling" be encouraged today. You are equally as chosen, needed and vital in God's plan. Never doubt...He sees you. God has called you specifically and intentionally to fulfill a task that only you can fill. Genuine humility is a beautiful virtue that is developed by God's gracious Spirit actively at work in a life. May it be evidenced in my life today.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joy, I just read a blog about Joseph's contribution to the story on Revive Our Hearts' page. Echo!