Tuesday, January 2, 2024

As Per Normal

"So God said to Noah...." Genesis 6:13a

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This phrase caught my attention this morning because of it's casual insertion. Nothing surrounding it sounds miraculous. God didn't draw Noah's attention with wind, storm, fire or even a whisper. He observes what is happening in the world, and initiates a conversation with Noah. Imagine, the God of the universe coming to chat with you about His plans. To Noah it was natural and normal.

Earlier we read in Genesis 6:8-9 that Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord, and that he walked in close fellowship with Him. There was intimacy. They had a relationship that invited mutual sharing. God didn't need Noah's advice or approval, but He chose Noah to share His observations and carry out His will.

Every day, through His word, a timely message, lyrics from a song, a conversation with a friend, and a variety of other ways, God speaks to us. Hearing from the Lord, although always miraculous, shouldn't be so surprising. If we are walking in close fellowship with God, we need to expect God to speak and anticipate Him interrupting our thoughts at any moment with His plans for our day. 

Noah's response? It says at the end of Genesis 6 that Noah did exactly what God directed. Presented with a staggering task before him, one that would take years to complete, we see immediate, simple obedience. God knew Noah would obey. Does He know that about me? Am I walking in close fellowship with God? Can I be trusted with His confidence? Does God have the assurance of my obedience? Would His voice today startle me because it's so unexpected, or has our time together through the years developed such intimacy that we do commune as Friend to friend? Lord help me to be living in a way that brings Your favour, and whether Your request is "Ark-sized" or "ant-sized", may I instantly obey, delighting in You.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
