Sunday, January 7, 2024

Lasting Security

"I come to You for protection, O LORD my God..." Psalm 7:1a

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I'm all about security. I like feeling safe. Some can pursue protection with a passion. They purchase security systems, install locks, buy alarms and firewalls for homes, office and computers. My mom actually had a friend who was so fearful, she lived a good portion of her life in her home. It took every ounce of courage for her to go outside the walls of her house.

Often we think we can find protection in places. A building can provide refuge in a storm. As a child, a classroom shielded me from the cruelty of the playground. A bedroom often offered comfort. Hiding under the covers I was shielded from the threat of imaginary monsters or the reality of unkind friends. After all, if you can't see it, you can pretend it's not truly there. The shelter of my daddy's arms always calmed my heart. What about protection behind closed doors or beneath a guarded heart?

I'm guessing we all have embraced some kind of safeguard at least once in our life to help us manage times of insecurity and anxiety. It's incredible all that we will cling to when our lives feel threatened. That being said, refuge in places and things will never fully satisfy. They offer false security, temporary relief and can only resist the enemy of fear for so long. It's a constant, futile struggle to try and control situations, people, or emotions. True safe-keeping is only found in a Person. It's the shelter of our Heavenly Father's arms that provides lasting protection. Oh, that doesn't mean that harm will never touch us, but it does mean we have the assurance of the presence of the only One who can hide us in the cleft of the rock, and cover us there with His hand.

Praying the Lord will always be my first thought when fear and anxieties arise. When uncertainties lurk and the storm clouds of life appear menacing, may my immediate "go to" be the Lord and may I rest in His everlasting arms.

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