Saturday, January 6, 2024

The Voice of "Sarai"

"And Abram agreed with Sarai's proposal." Genesis 16:2b

It's so interesting to me the phrases and words that the Holy Spirit draws our attention to when we read scripture.

In Genesis 15-16 we read of God repeating His covenant promise to Abram. I love that God confirms His incredible promise multiple times, but instead of trusting and waiting for God to fulfill His promise His way, Sarai steps in to provide a suggestion.

When God speaks a word to our hearts I think we have to be cautious of two things: who we share the revelation with, and we must resolve in advance how we will respond to their reply. Even well-meaning, believing family and friends won't always share our enthusiasm and commitment, sometimes even causing us to doubt that God spoke at all.

I'm not suggesting that we can't gain wisdom and godly counsel from others. The Bible encourages us to do so (Proverbs 15:22). Nor am I in any way saying that if we are married we shouldn't share things with our spouse. However, we need to watch our obedience. Definitely some prayerful consideration should be given to any caution or advice we lovingly receive. It could be that in our enthusiasm we are rushing ahead. Often in scripture we see where a promise spoken precedes a time of watching and waiting. We don't want to be reckless in a revelation, but respond with discernment and direction from the Holy Spirit.

Up until this point in scripture Sarai's name has not been mentioned as the mother of the baby, so we could argue that Sarai's idea to have Hagar as a surrogate was culturally common, but we must remember that this path was a sin against God's plan for marriage. In Genesis 2:24 we read of God's design for one man and one woman coming together in a one-flesh relationship. I can guarantee that a promise from God is never fulfilled through sin. Disobedience will never be part of the fulfillment of a promise from God.

Without any delay, Abram agrees with Sarai's proposal. So eager to see the promise begin they take matters into their own hands.

I'm thinking of times when God has very clearly, without a doubt, spoken a direction over an area of my life. I mean it is completely obvious what He desires. Confirmation often follows through further scripture and I know that I know that I know what God is asking of me. Sadly "Sarai's" still arise. They down-play God's word, discourage obedience and doubt the fulfillment. In times like these, don't be quick to dismiss what God has spoken, but fall to your knees and hear again His voice. May His words speak clearer than the chatter around you and may your heart keep believing as you courageously walk in obedience.

** After hitting "Post", I opened a daily email devotional I receive from Living With Power Ministries. It ties in so perfectly and adds such value to my thoughts today. If you don't subscribe to this free, e-devotional I encourage you to do so:   Here is today's reading:

Living in the gap

And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord. - Luke 1:45

First comes the promise, then comes our receiving the promise, and finally comes the hard part: the part where we must wait for the promise to be fulfilled. That's where true faith must show up. That's where true faith grows. I call it "life in the gap."

Mary, the mother of Jesus shows us how to live in the gap. In Luke 1:45 it says: "Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord."

After being told that she was chosen to carry the Messiah, she believed God even though His plan sounded crazy to her human mind and waited patiently on God. She trusted that if God has said it, He will surely fulfill it.

That's life in the gap and I have a feeling you're familiar with that place. If you're living between the promise and the fulfillment of the promise, you're not alone.

Like Mary, resolve not just to receive God's promises in submission and trust, but be willing to wait for the fulfillment of the promise. When you do, you too will be found blessed.

Lina AbuJamra

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