Don't you often wish there was some other way He could get our attention! I know suffering wouldn't be my first pick.
Just the other day a friend of mine was sharing with me what this verse means to her. She expressed two different thoughts. First, she said that God could be allowing suffering to 'rescue' us from a life of sin, or He might even use suffering to 'rescue' us from this life and take us to heaven to be with Him, sparing us from further unknown hardship. Either way the 9-1-1 call has been made and God is on a search and rescue for our soul.
Romans 8:18 says, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." It's hard to sometimes fathom that truth when in the center of excrutiating pain, whether physical, mental or emotional, but God says the contrast is incomparable.
In the middle of affliction, instead of asking 'why me', maybe we should be asking, 'what now'...what are You trying to tell me...what do You want me to learn from this difficulty...what are You rescuing me from? It's not easy to get to that point, but it's crucial in the journey. It's the crossroad from where your life with Him walks on.
On a completely different note this morning, I had to chuckle inside as I read the following verses, "He directs the snow to fall on the earth...Then everyone stops working so they can watch his power" (Job 37:6-7).
Living in Ontario, yesterday it snowed ALL DAY!!! The storm that was suppose to bypass us, landed with a fury. Thankfully, my son was still off school because of exam week, but I heard of many others who took a 'snow day'. Apparently we are in for more snow today. It's absolutely beautiful outside, breathtakingly beautiful. The snowbanks at the end of our driveway are well over 6 feet tall - some are 10 feet!
If you want to catch a glimpse of our Winter Wonderland, my friend Cathy posted some pictures today on her blog. She was visiting Niagra Falls last week and the beauty of God's creation are displayed there today for all to see. Enjoy!
I saw your comment on Lysa TerKeurst's blog today and it made me want to read yours. :) Just wanted to introduce's nice to "meet" you!
I love Romans 8:18 there is so much hope in it. I find myself sometimes saying "why not me" instead of "why me". What a great post! Thanks,
This reminds me of something Alicia Chole says in her book...
(loosely translated here):
Our response to our present trials reveals our response from our past trials.
Another words, what's the shaping we took from the last one to help us in our next one? Can we trust God to bring us through?
Just a thought or two.
Happy Thursday to you. Enjoy the snow.
Great post, Joy! Like you, I often wish there was some other besides suffering God could use to get our attention. It IS amazing how much more passionately I seek Him when I am going through difficulty. Couldn't agree more with what a difference our perspective makes. As one of my teachers used to say...
Adversity makes you bitter, or it makes you better...the choice is yours.
Great thoughts to ponder.
P.S. Thank you for sharing those amazing pictures of Niagra Falls...never seen anything like it. They were incredible!
Hi Joy!
I am definitely learning to ask the "what now" question. Trying to hear His still, small voice whispering amidst the chaos around me at times.
He is speaking. I just need to learn to listen better...
One thing I know He is speaking to me right now...
"Get off the computer, do not check Face Book... GO TO BED!" (Well ok, so He wasn't shouting it like that... but you get the picture!)
Love you!
Heather :)
Oh and I wish we had that much snow. Our driveway end, the snowbanks are probably 5 feet or so, but I still crazily want more! :)
Isn't this a beautiful verse? the Rescuer does show up mightily when we search for him in suffering!! I wrote about the same verse...I used to ask God to make me learn quickly so I could sidestep adversity. Now my prayers have changed to "change me, use me, no matter what it takes!"
Joy to you today!!
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