I think that could be why I went to sleep last night thinking of the love of family. My night was filled with visions of my family. We were all together. My parents, sisters and their families, my nephew and his wife and family all at my parent's home. The rooms were overflowing with love. The children were all playing together and enjoying each other's company. The adults were sharing life stories and encouraging one another. At one moment, my 83 year old Father, our resident "Abraham", commented that he wished all families could get along and be as happy as our family. We truly have been blessed.
This morning God's Word called my attention to the fact that not all families can share this testimony. It is written of Ismael's descendants that "they lived in open hostility toward all their relatives" (Genesis 25:18). A few short verses following we read of the coming birth of Isaac and Rebekah's twins, "The sons in your womb will become two nations. From the very beginning, the two nations will be rivals" (Genesis 25:23). Open hostility. Sibling rivalry. Sadly so many families live with these on-going conflicts, whether openly or behind closed doors.
Today, I want to rejoice and give tribute to parents who were legacy builders. My mom and dad may not leave much of this worlds richess behind when God calls them to their eternal home, but they leave a heritage of love. As my Pastor shared just a couple of weeks ago, our passing can be a comma, not a period. It can say, "To be continued...". My parent's have learned that the full measure of life is most often based upon it's contribution to the future. It's not so much what they did, but what they've made possible, refusing to allow the blessings to end with them.
The heading that began my reading today in Genesis 25 read, "What follows took place sometime after Sarah's death". It has made me consider the legacy that will follow me. Not just the events that will occur after my passing, but the heritage of future generations. Again the fervency of being intentional is impressed on my heart. Growing a godly family doesn't just happen. It takes work and time.
Do you want to be encouraged to live the truths of Deutoronomy 6:5-9 and look for teachable moments to impart God's Word into the lives of the next generation? Do you desire to be a legacy builder? May I encourage you to visit my friend Renee's blog. Just this past Monday she began a month of encouragement for mom's "to make daily deposits of faith into our children's lives and leave a spiritual legacy." Let's do all we can to raise a generation who will love and follow hard after the Lord. Let's get on our knees and pray for our families and let them see evidence in our lives of a God they will long to know deeper and love with their whole hearts. May it be said of all our future descendants, "They were living by faith when they died" (Hebrews 11:2).
As a friend I feel blessed to pray for you today...to be the Jesus to your family that He needs you to be! You are a beautiful woman of God and I love to witness Him work in you!
Amen! You are blessed to have had such a family. Mine was a mixed bag for sure, but in the end I definitely got a start in the right direction toward faith from them, so I am grateful for that.
It's not easy to impart it to our children, is it? At least, it doesn't feel so for me. I'm working on it though. My most recent blog post is an example of the kinds of things I'm trying to do to help even my very young children begin to see His presence in the ordinary moments of life. My prayer is that it sticks!
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