Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Humble Pie

“Your heart was filled with pride because of all your beauty. Your wisdom was corrupted by your love of splendor.” Ezekiel 28:17

“Little Jack Horner, sat in the corner, eating his pumpkin pie.
He stuck in his thumb and pulled out a plum and said, ‘What a good boy am I.’”

Do you ever stop and think much about the contents of nursery rhymes? For example, I wonder, did Jack just like sitting in the corner or was he there as a form of punishment? Why was he sitting all alone? If he was placed there as reprimand, why on earth did he get a treat? Then, what did he do next? Sticks his thumb in his food! Any illustrations I have seen of this childhood chant depicts Jack as old enough not to be playing with his food. And, assuming his location is the result of unfavourable behaviour, he displays no remorse as he arrogantly announces, “What a good boy am I.”

How many of us are little Jack Horners, proud of our corners and in them. Proud of appearances, appointments, accomplishments, accumulations and accolades. Our wisdom has been corrupted by our love for splendor.

C. S. Lewis has said that “Pride…is the complete anti-God state of mind.”
Nancy Leigh DeMoss says it is the roadblock to revival. “Pride blinds us to our true spiritual condition…”
John Flavel writes, “They that know God will be humble; they that know themselves cannot be proud.”
C. H. Spurgeon says, “Oh! Man, hate pride, flee from it, abhor it, do not let it dwell with you!”
The prophet Obadiah says, pride deceives you so that you think you are invincible and untouchable ((Obadiah 1:3).
Solomon says pride leads to destruction (Proverbs 16:18), and God hates pride (Proverbs 8:13).
The Psalmist tells us that there are consequences for proud actions (Psalm 31:23) and that pride keeps us from seeking God (Psalm 10:4).
James tells us that God opposes the proud (James 4:6).

Maybe that nursery rhyme should have gone like this:

Little Jack Horner, chose to sit in the corner, after serving the pumpkin pie.
He then bowed his head, and quietly said, “Lord, You are greater than I.”

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Sharon Sloan said...

I always say "Pride is a monster". Ugh.

The Lord just recently picked the book for our Gather & Grow - Nancy Leigh DeMoss' "trilogy" - "Brokenness, Surrender, Holiness". Kind of strange that a group of ladies would be excited about this! :) SO excited to see all He has planned for our hearts.

I was reading in Jeremiah yesterday and the lesson for me was:
Humility = obedience, willingness
Pride = disobedience, stubborness

Thanks Joy! You are always "right on"!

Karen said...


Praying for your family and your husband especially today.

Also what came to mind as I read your post was the song (based on Mark 10:43-44)

"Whoever would be great among you; he must be your servant.

Whoever would be first among you; he must be slave of all"

Have a blessed day!


~Grace and Peace said...

I like your version of the nursery rhyme much better. God has been dealing with me regarding this issue, oh, the last few weeks. What have I learned? Pride prevents us from receiving His grace.

I hope all is well in your part of the world.

Unreasonable Grace said...

Love your remake of the nursery rhyme.

It doesn't take much time at all for pride to creep back in. It takes vigilence - 24/7 - to keep pride at bay.


Unreasonable Grace said...
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On Purpose said...

As a girl who has overeaten her pride pie...this post speaks TONS to me today...thank you...knowing and trusting my Jesus that Humble Pie tastes much better!

Sande said...

How many times have we gone away from talking to someone and felt like they were a 'cut above', that we should be more like them, that they have it all together. We feel down and like pond scum.

And others we come away from feeling fed and nurished and just wanting to be better people.

Tend to avoid the first kind of person now and really wondering if it isn't pride that causes the lack of encouragement. I really search out the encourager like they were chocolate.

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

