Must be nice. David had just had his afternoon nap and now he's out enjoying a stroll. For a king, it sounds like he had a lot of free time. Too much free time. Too much isolation and loniness. No accountability. "All rebellion begins in isolation", David Edwards. Free time can be an enemy and definitely a tool of the evil one.
We don't just encounter sin in despairing seasons. We can fall prey in 'spring' when, like David, we are on top of the world and everything is going fine. A thought becomes a glance, which leads to a word and finally a deed.
David was walking on the roof. Rooftops. Irresistable places of temptation. The wrong place at the wrong time. David ended up in bed when he should have been in battle. Had he been where he belonged there never would have been a Bathsheba incident.
What's your rooftop? Where do you need to avoid wandering? Where is the air a little too tempting, inviting the breeze of surrender to sin? It might feel good and refreshing for a moment, but it's preceeding a deadly storm.
My 'rooftop' is my 'laptop'. Oh, please, don't misunderstand. I'm not viewing any questionable material or using it for evil, but it tempts me to sit for hours writing, reading, sending notes of encouragement, chatting on Facebook, all the while my home, husband and son go neglected. It seduces me not only from responsibilities, but from flesh and blood relationships. I crave the connection and validation I find here. It's satisfying a hunger in my heart, but it's a temporary, false filling.
The other day I entertained the thought, just for a moment, of not reaching for this appendage in the morning, but the pull was too strong. Like a prisoner held captive by drink or drugs, I have a computer addiction. I am dependent on it for acceptance, love, conversation and friendship. The compulsion is such that my excessive use here interferes with daily living. Neglecting the lives of those God has placed around me in order to 'minister' to others. Justifying my time here as my 'calling', I continue giving in to it's enticement, having my desires met outside of God's design. I'm forsaking my first love for substitute satisfactions.
Three times in less than 24 hours the Lord has now repeated this message to me. As you consider your 'rooftop', your place of temptation, please pray for me. I don't know what the answer will be, but I know something must change.
To read my further conversation with God regarding this 'rooftop', click here.
Joy, I can truthfully say that I know the same feelings about being tied to the computer! And although you....don't look at bad things, I do waste a lot of time that I could be doing things here in my house. I have been SO blessed by the friendships I have made via christian women's blogs and I don't regret any of that. But I could read good blogs all day. Or write for my blog. Or, as you also said, send encouraging notes to friends. But your post today has me thinking. Do I need to set a definite limit on computer time? It's something I need to certainly "Ponder" on!
You now why I think rooftops are dangerous? It puts us in the position of looking down and falsely claiming an "up" that doesn't belong to us.
The computer is not my addiction; although that may seem the case. My roots a bit more hidden; still processing it tonight. I'll let you know.
This is so good, Joy! Thank you for sharing this. I love Elaine's response. I want to remember this lesson from you girls today! Somehow I feel I will need to return to it and be reminded.
You look beautiful, the way! Simply gorgeous.
So glad that you had a time of refreshing!
You teach me so much!
Love you,
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