Friday, February 27, 2009

Accept or Embrace

From the time our son was fairly young, my husband and I gave him certain responsibilities that were age appropriate. It started with simple little things, and then grew to more complicated requests as he matured. These were not chores that required financial reimbursement, but duties required as being part of our family. We wanted him to learn and enjoy the inner satisfaction of fulfilling his role in our home.

Today we read in Numbers how the different clans were given different responsibilities. Much of the description here sounded like 'housework' to me. We read of taking care of the Tabernacle, the coverings and curtains. Caring for the table, lampstands and "various articles". Looking after the structure of frames, pillars and bases. These were maintenance type jobs. Ongoing and unending.

As I pull out my laundry baskets today to clean my "coverings and curtains" am I doing it to please the Lord? As I dust my tables, lampstands and "various articles" am I finding pleasure in serving my family? As my husband and son cut the grass, shovel the snow, repair "frames, pillars and bases" to keep our home structurally sound, is there a joy in providing attention to these details? We have been blessed with so much, yet too often I complain about the responsibility the blessings bring.

What about the tasks I need to fulfill outside the home? How is my attitude toward those ministries? Do I teach the three year olds with enthusiasm? Do I facilitate the Bible studies with passion? Do I set the tables for fellowship time with a longing for those who attend to be blessed?

The Lord has given all of us responsibilities. No task is greater than another. Is there something you're not looking forward to doing today? Are you even hoping to avoid it if at all possible? Think of it as God's divine appointment and His high calling designed just for you. Don't just accept responsibility, but ask God to help you embrace it with delight.

"Rejoice before the LORD your God in everything you put your hand to". Deut. 12:18

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~Trina~ said...

A very fitting word for me today. I'm having a family gathering at our home tonight and while I thought about wanting everyone to have a good time and be blessed, my mind also raced with the preparation tasks before me (shopping, baking, cleaning). The racing thoughts created more of a rushed mindset rather than joy. Thanks to God for the pause in my morning to read you blog and allowing it re-set my perspective. Blessings!

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

What a wonderful way to put it Joy! I think this will help me in the work I need to get done around my house.


Anonymous said...

So glad I stopped by today. I took a break from cleaning the house and low and behold you were talking about attitude in doing life stuff. Thank you! I had read that reading this morning, but hadn't gotten that out of it!
Have you started a new study since finishing "He Speaks to Me"? We haven't started a new one yet at Proverbs. Greg and I are in a couples study doing "2becomingOne". I also am doing two teen Gather & Grow groups - so I have plenty of material to cover each week!
Have a super weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. I needed this today...
A word from God through you to me today.
Love you,

Laura said...

in my laundry room, I have painted scripture on the walls: Whatever you do, do it as if for the Lord and not for man...Do everything without arguing or complaining...Rejoice in the Lord! I will say it again, rejoice!

It is easy to fail to see the ministry in these small tasks. But God sees them.

Lisa Smith said...


It's been a busy, busy week especially today. I needed to read this. Thanks.

Melanie said...

Oh boy.
Today I plan to clear some clutter and do a little deep cleaning to prepare for a house guest.
I do want to bless her.

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Lots of duties filling my plate today, and thankfully, a rare day when I've got the LORD in mine throughout all of them.

Pray for me tonight, friend, that God's light and truth will shine through my feeble attempts at words.


RefreshMom said...

That's a great verse. Part of the reason for my blog is so I can be mindful and intentional at seeing God's hand in the ordinary and finding meaning in the mundane. I'm still not very good at it, but I'm trying...