Saturday, April 18, 2009

Silence of the Lamb

"He inquired of the LORD, but the LORD did not answer him." 1 Samuel 28:6

Why is it we are so afraid of silences? Sometimes I can be visiting with a new friend and conversation is flowing happens...that five second awkward pause. No one is speaking.

I've been in Bible study groups where a participant is so uncomfortable with a quiet, reflective moment that they jump in to speak and in so doing, others, who needed more time for thought, now remain silent.

I had to learn the art of solitude and waiting in listening while dating my husband. He is not a communicator. Many silent pauses punctuate conversation with him. Often when our son was younger I would have to caution him to be still and patient as we waited for Daddy's response.

Today I read of the silences of God. Have you experienced them? I certainly have. Times when I'm waiting and longing for God to answer me, yet all of heaven seems quiet. I'm wanting that writing in the sand, on the wall, in the sky, but nothing happens. The deafening scream of silence.

"St. John of the Cross wrote, 'The Father spoke one word from all eternity and he spoke it in silence, and it is in silence that we hear it.' This suggests that silence is God's first language and that all other languages are poor translations."

God's silence does not mean that He doesn't hear. Isaiah 59:2 says, "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear." It's not that God can't hear, it's that He won't. Sometimes, God in His silence, is waiting for us to confess a sin and re-open the way of communication with Him.

Today are you sitting in God's silence? Even in the quiet know that He is with you and cares deeply. I've heard it said that the Lord can only trust silences with those whom He knows will continue to wait on Him. Silence is a sign of spiritual maturity. I often wish I was a little less mature.

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Anonymous said...

Thank you for encouraging my heart this day. Many a silent moment has caused me to wonder if He hears. Many a silent moment has made me know Him in new and wonderful ways.
I praise Him for His patience with me. ~ linda

Heather - On the Road... said...

Ah Joy, you aren't the only one who wishes they weren't so mature! :)

I have been trying to settle myself in silence before God more, and it has been so hard! Trying to quiet my mind... and then to listen for Him, and wait on His answers, just like you say, when the silence is deafening!

Still praying for you and yours, my friend!
Love you,

Laura said...


Ijust read your comment on Elaine's post over at Peace for the Journey. We have been in and out of town this week, making use of the boys time off for spring break. I am so sorry I haven't been able to check in. My heart is with you, dear friend. Tears flow freely as I picture the conversation you had with your dad,and his prayer over you.

Oh, friend, I know it must be with mixed feelings, but how the angels are waiting with bated breath!

I'm praying for you.

Luv to you,