Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Tablecloth of Grace

"One day David asked, 'Is anyone in Saul's family still alive - anyone to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake?'" (2 Samuel 9:1).

"David thought, 'I will show kindness to Hanun son of Nahash, just as his father showed kindness to me'" (2 Samuel 10:2).

Kindness: the quality of being warmhearted, considerate, humane and sympathetic; forgiving; charitable; understanding, generous; willing to overlook a mistake; agreeable.

In today's reading we see David go the extra mile to extend kindness to others. He actually goes out of his way and makes a special effort to 'love on' the lost and forgotten.

The original Greek word for 'kindness' used here is 'grace'. Grace is a demonstration of love that is undeserved, unearned and unrepayable.

We see so much of God's grace demonstrated through David's actions. See if you can recognize the Lord's kindness to us as we trace David's heart.

David seeks out the forgotten. He is the one who initiates the connections.

In the example of Mephibosheth David originally asked, "Is there anyone...anyone to whom I can show kindness..?" David didn't ask if there was anyone qualified or anyone worthy. He is offering acceptance based on unconditional love.

Upon hearing that Jonathan's son is a cripple, Mephibosheth's handicap didn't disqualify him from receiving kindness. David doesn't withdraw his request, ask "How badly is he crippled?" or "How did this happen?" No, David's first statement is one of longing for the lost to be found, "Where is he?" Sound familiar?

When Mephibosheth is brought to David, he immediately calls him by name. He longs to know him personally.

David summons Saul's servant Ziba and restores to Mephibosheth all that belonged to him through lineage.

David welcomed Mephibosheth at his table and treated him as a son.

I'm rejoicing today that the Lord came looking for me. That I am not forgotten. That although unworthy, I am accepted with unconditional love. That I was pursued, sought after and found. That God knows me by name. That He desires to have a deep relationship with me. That He is restoring me and returning the years the locust have eaten. That He welcomes me to His banqueting table and calls me His daughter.

I believe it was Charles Swindoll who expressed that the tablecloth of David's grace covered Mephibosheth's lame feet. The tablecloth of God's grace covers and cleanses my sin.

Is it any wonder that David is called a man after God's own heart!

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On Purpose said...

And you my friend are called "A woman after Gods own heart" and He calls you Joy,because you live in such passion and dedication to be in His presence and keep us focused there too! To read this beautiful post this morning will have my heart singing on my Saturday! I love you my friend. Enjoy your weekend!

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

Even though David had his faults, he was indeed a man after God's own heart. When his faults were brought to his attention, he repented. I want to be like that. When I am shown my wrong I don't want to make excuses and just keep on doing whatever and going farther and farther from God.

Hope you are finding time to get some rest these days what with all that is going on in your life!


Chef Diane said...


I haven't visited your blog in a while. But you have been in my prayers and in my heart. I am on Wendy's blog daily with you.

Standing with you my sister,

Lora said...

Amen. I rejoice too that He called me by name, has not forgotten me, desires a relationship with me, restoring and returning - a tablecloth of grace indeed.

I recently read Max Lucado's "Facing Your Giants" and the chapter that impacted me the most was this very one with the story of David and Mephibosheth. I am so thankful to the Lord that He seeks out the crippled, lost and forgotten.