Wednesday, May 20, 2009


“I am like a little child who doesn’t know (her) way around.” 1 Kings 3:7b

The first day of High School. Standing inside the doors of further education. Timetable clasped in my hands. Praying that I won’t be late for my first class. Glancing down hallways and hoping to hear that voice behind me saying, “This is the way, walk in it”, Isaiah 30:21. Breathing in uncertainty and exhaling indecision. Seconds separated lost and found, but it felt like an eternity.


A frightening word and a familiar feeling.

Lord, right now I am that little child. Unexpected winds have blown me off course. Surrounded by unknown, I am directionless and disoriented. I can’t find my bearings. Questions fill my days and haunt hours of restlessness. Caught in a cycle of unending circumstances, I’m wandering aimlessly.

Voices beckon me offering advice. Too many choices. Too many demands. Each decision leaves someone disappointed. Impossible to please and satisfy everyone. And what about me? Where is Your purpose as I meander down paths of pain? This is foreign territory and I’m a stranger in the land.

Lord, I’m searching for answers. I reach for the compass of Your Word, as mine lays shattered at my feet. You are my true North. You alone know the way out of the forest of confusion. Let one leaf fall to guide my way. Give me eyes to see. In my self-consumed thoughts, don’t let me step over this marker unnoticed. May the sound of crunching beneath my feet break through my bewilderment, as creation grabs my attention and points me to You. Help me navigate through feelings and faith, keeping my eyes fixed on You, the bright and morning Star.

I am so small. Life seems so big. You surpass them all. Take my hand Lord and show me the way.

"I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood...oh how I need, Someone to watch over me." (Gershwin)

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Marilyn in Mississippi said...

Sometimes I feel like that little lost sheep too. Thank goodness my Shepherd always comes looking for me! :)

Praying you will have peace and comfort soon Joy!


Unreasonable Grace said...

praying, praying, praying....for you.

Lisa said...

I sought the Lord and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:4-5

Seek Him with your whole heart and He will lead you down HIS path.

Blessings ~ Lisa