We walked in the door to find the answering machine flashing, indicating four new messages. Each one contained disappointing news. The one that was the most difficult to accept, announced that the Accelerated Math Course my son wanted to take this summer had been cancelled due to limited enrollment. Now what? The only reason he had registered for this course during vacation time was because it wouldn't fit into his schedule in the Fall.
Going to bed that night I was questioning God's ways. Lord, why wasn't this working out? Why couldn't his agenda be altered so that Summer School could be avoided? He works so hard all year, why did this have to happen? And now, this course will not be running? Lord, what do You want us to do?
With fresh perspective the following morning, and a quick phone call, we were able to enroll him for the same course at a school only about a 15 minute drive further West from the original location. Not only that, but after receiving our son's timetable for the Fall, his first semester will carry a much lighter work load. This is perfect. He hopes to write a three-hour music history exam with the Royal Conservatory in December and try his A.R.C.T. practical piano exam in January. With completing this Math course during the summer, he will have the extra time needed for study and practice of his music. Although receiving the initial news of Summer School caused us worry and doubt, we now see God's hand all over this circumstance.
I don't like sudden changes. I'm not a 'fly by the seat of your pants' gal, deciding a course of action as I go along. I'm not into "winging it". Improvisation and spontaneity intimidate me. I'm not comfortable living for the moment IN the moment.
Although I do enjoy a good surprise, I like to know ahead of time what is expected. I book hotels before I reach my destination. I take a grocery list to the store. When I was first married I even had a cleaning schedule that included daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal activities. Ask my friend Cathy. She would phone on Tuesday afternoons just to make sure I was following my agenda and really scouring those bathrooms!
The Lord works from a pre-arranged plan as well. Psalm 139:16 says, "You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day passed."
You have no idea how that calms my heart. I need to know that Someone is orchestrating each day of my life. I don't want to think that coincidence or chaos is in control. When unexpected circumstances suddenly startle me, I hold on to the fact that God didn't even blink an eye. This is part of His plan. He is not shocked or wondering, 'how on earth did that happen?'
These unanticipated events are not all unwelcome interruptions. God has plans for us that are immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
I like to read the verse above with a flavour of anticipation. I imagine the Lord saying with enthusiasm, 'Haven't you heard? I'm so excited! I've been waiting to give this to you for so long and the time has come. Today's the day!'
He has dreams for us that are on their way, even now. He is going to fulfill the longings He placed in our heart. We can trust Him even when we don't understand. He is not writing our life story as He goes along, uncertain as to the ending. The chapters were completed before we were born. His purpose and plans for us will prevail. He is going to make it happen.
'When unexpected circumstances suddenly startle me, I hold on to the fact that God didn't even blink an eye.'
Oh, how I love that! I so needed this reminder today! I am a control freak. I want to know when something is going to happen or if it's going to change... but I just need to remember that God knows it all, has it all under control and if I would just settle into His comfort and embrace, all will be well--no matter what!
Thank you, girl.
Amen, sister Joy! Danielle, you said exactly my thoughts! Ditto.
A verse I'm learning to live by says, "They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the LORD to care for them." Psalm 112:7
I'm still working at this, but when I do get news that is unexpected or news I'm not happy about, I start immediately saying this verse to myself. God comforts me; I know He cares for me.
Wonderful post today JOY!!!!!
Lori - AZ
I can so relate. The things that derail me the most are those that pertain to my boys. I am so guilty of playing Holy Spirit Junior in making sure that everything goes as planned esp when it comes to their education. It's a wonder I (and for that matter, my son) survived his senior year.
This is the 2nd time I have encountered Psalm 139 today and it's not even 9:00 a.m. I was using it to encourage my very pregnant sister who is "freaking out" - for lack of a better term -about the things she is reading on Consumer Reports about what crib to use and whether crib bumper pads are good or evil. Why is it that I can calmly tell her about Ps 139 and yet I tend to forget sometimes?
I'm off to remove the plank from my eye.
Have a blessed day, Joy.
You have been the bearer of good tidings for me today. I've been in a ...hmmm...I guess you could say "bad mood" for a couple of days now. Have let things going on in my life get to me. Thanks for this greatly inspiring post today!
Love ya,
Marilyn....in Mississippi
Girlfriend I am just lifted up by your words today. Praying for you with your ear. I had tubes put in as an adult and it was painful, so I get a sense of what you are going through.
God knows everything about us before we go through it. So why do I question things? He does understand the whole picture better than I do.
I had to laugh today when I listed out the many things going on in my life. To think that He loves me enough to trust me with so much.
He is just widening my scope of future ministry. It's almost like He say's "well you are going to run into this person and they are going to have this issue, so let me take you through it, just in case". Oh, I hope He has a very large cup of coffee waiting for me. Cause we need to have a looooong chat. lolololol
Love ya,
As we talked about, I've had an unscheduled interruption in my life as it pertains to Jadon's upcoming school year. And while I'm not comfortable with the situation thus far, I'm trying to anchor my trust in God for the outcome.
Please keep praying for my peace in the matter.
Thanks for sharing this!
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