Sunday, October 13, 2024

More Than

"Whom have I in heaven but You? I desire You more than anything on earth." Psalm 73:25

"More than anything." Does our desire for the Lord truly fall under this category? Is He more than all else for which our heart longs?

More than a desire to be loved and accepted by others.
More than longing for perfect health.
More than searching for temporary satisfactions.
More than striving for any materialistic gain.
More than constantly struggling to please others.
More than attempting to keep up appearances.
More than answers to heartfelt prayers.
More than working for any financial gain.
More than any worldly success.
More than yearning to know and be known.
More than a hunger to see and be seen.
More than any aspiration for contentment and happiness.
More than needing safety and security.
More than a propensity to eliminate pain.
More than temporary fulfillment in temptations.
More than an attraction for miracles and the miraculous.
More than the battle for increased trust.
More than relishing Your benefits and blessings.
More than a desire for what You do...I long for who You are.

"I desire You more than anything on earth."

Lord, from the deepest part of my heart I want to want You more. I long to say with the Psalmist that nothing else matters and that You alone are my everything. Father, I desire You to occupy my heart. So many things in life, some listed above, truly do matter, but may they not be my most or more. God fill me and consume me. May You be the inclination and initiation of every thought. Surpass the sweetness of all other enticements. Increase my yearning for You, surrendered completely to Your sovereignty over me, in me, and through me. May my every breath be praise and gratitude to You. Jesus, my passion is You. 

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