Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sound the Alarm!

"I posted watchmen over you who said, 'Listen for the sound of the alarm.' But you replied, 'No! We won't pay attention!'" Jeremiah 6:17

With very dear friends in Naples and Marko Island, I have been attentive to the current course of Hurricane Milton. Watching the news and seeing the predicted path of this furious storm, warnings to evacuate have been issued, some areas with mandatory instructions to leave. I am not insensitive to those who for one reason or another feel the option to flee is beyond their control and must stay sheltered as best they can, but I don't understand those, who despite all the warnings, respond with laughter in the face of disaster. Although many cautions have been delivered, they do not heed the alert of impending danger.

Several times in the past I have been in a shopping mall when the fire alarm rings. It is always incredible to me how the majority of people continue to carry on as if the siren is not even sounding. It is ignored completely. It becomes pointless that schools and buildings practice "fire drills" in preparation of a sudden disaster, when it appears that training is being wasted.

The prophet Jeremiah is warning God's people of the judgement coming. The Lord's people are rejecting Him and there are consequences for their choices. Although the alarm is sounding, Judah is responding in foolishness. The description of approaching destruction is perilous, but the Israelites reply, "No disasters will come upon us." (Jeremiah 5:12) They are knowingly rejecting the fact that they are facing calamity, and placing themselves in dangers path. We may be quick to chastise and condemn such actions, but do we ever act similarly?

Danger is anything that makes us liable to loss, pain or injury. Do we sometimes choose to walk paths of peril? We make dangerous choices daily. We know they are not God-honouring, yet we carry on, disregarding truth, allowing emotions and self to guide the way. We may think, 'Well, at least these choices are not life threatening', but that might not be entirely true. Even our words can be weapons of Satan, leaving a trail of devastation greater than any force of nature.

But there is another road that results in even greater danger and this is the highway of rebellion. Refusing to acknowledge, like the people in Jeremiah's day, that God is God. One day at His return it will be too late to change direction. No one knows the day, the hour, or the time of Christ's reappearing. Unlike the forecast of landfall with serve weather, Jesus will come again like a thief in the night. Scripture declares the gradual, increasing announcements of wars and other disasters as signs of His return. There is opportunity for decisions to be made today. Those who choose to laugh in the face of approaching apocalypse, not ignorant of the truth, but ignoring it's severity, will find themselves tormented in a state of frantic confusion.

Jeremiah so clearly announces, "Run", "Get out", "Send up a signal", "Listen to this warning", but ears are closed, "They don't want to listen at all." (Jeremiah 6:10) Today God implores all who hear His voice to respond (Hebrews 3:7-8). Do not harden your hearts. Do not reply in foolishness, believing you alone will be exempt from devastation. There will come a day when all will be judged, both the living and the dead (1 Peter 4:5).

When warnings are adhered to, lives are spared. While writing this I heard from one dear friend that they have been able to remove themselves from the track of the storm. Maybe this is a warning today that you too need to move your heart and be prepared for Christ's return. If you are not ready for the sudden evacuation from earth to heaven, a decision today can change your life forever. Christ is the Eye of the storm. He is the calm in the center of life's chaos. Turn to Him today. Like some of those who remain behind when warnings of approaching disaster are given, it is the fool who has said in their heart there is no God (Psalm 14:1). For others of us we need to be sounding the alarm when we see flood waters surging in the lives of others. Let's be agents of rescue today as we share the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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