Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Successful Efforts

"Let us, Your servants, see You work again; let our children see Your glory. And may the Lord our God show us His approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful!" Psalm 90:16-17

I am assuming that every single person who reads the request of the Psalmist in verses 16-17 is echoing his words. In his benediction, this prayer of Moses concludes with the longing for God to display His power, show His glory, send His approval and "establish the work of our hands" (NIV). We all long to see God's favour rest on our pursuits with successful results. We want our lives to matter. We do not want our work to be wasted. Lord, make what we do have meaning and impact, not for our good but for Your glory.

Throughout Psalm 90 Moses recalls the brevity of life. He compares our days to the grass that grows and quickly withers. Our time on earth is so temporary. He asks God to teach us all to understand how quickly our years pass, "so that we may grow in wisdom" (vs12). Our days are short and we want to see them count for something. But how do we number our days? Do we view them as coming to an end, or to a new beginning? As believers, as we number our days, each one draws us closer to eternity. Each day we live moves us closer to seeing Jesus face-to-face. With this outlook life becomes so much more hopeful. We can live with an eternal perspective as we consider every activity as something we can do for the Lord until He calls us home.

As we live for the Lord, we often measure God's approval by the success of our efforts. We hate the thought that everything we are pouring ourselves into day after day is in vain, but it is God and God alone who can take our apparent unsuccessful attempts and change what seems like wasted efforts into worthy endeavours. 

I remember praying these verses on March 30th, 2024. My son Chris had composed a musical journey in scripture, tracing the story of salvation from Genesis to Revelation. "It is Written" is a modern-day oratorio that premiered Easter weekend at our home church. With live orchestra and full choir, including soloists and ensembles, the long-awaited work of his hands was going to debut. I recall so vividly that these verses were included in my "scheduled reading plan" that day. As I let God's word fill my heart, I prayed this scripture fervently over Christopher's efforts. I asked the Lord to let my son experience His power, see His glory, know His approval and make his efforts successful. My prayer was not for the sound of human applause, but for God to be honoured and praised through the time and dedication, years and hard work that culminated from hours of sitting with God and His Word to bring this composition to completion. From the testimonies that followed, I know God responded favourably to this prayer that morning as we heard of lives that were greatly impacted and those without faith having their hearts and minds awakened to the message of salvation.

But, here's the question: Was it "successful" if from the thousands of people who heard the presentation over the course of three days, only one person understood God's love and responded to His invitation? How my voice resounds with a hearty yes!! Why do many of us feel so dissatisfied with "one"? I know we long to reach the world and see many come to know the Lord, but what if God asks us to live all our days, spending all our efforts for Him, pouring our lives out day after day after day, for one? Do we feel our life has been useless? Oh, my friend, not for that one.

I pray to be used mightily for God. I long to make an impact in the circle of influence God has given me, but I also desire to live with the same passion and fervour before just one as if He called me to speak before nations and crowds of thousands. I do not want to consider any ministry opportunity as lesser than another. Do not let the longing for more blind you to all the moments in-between. I feel like I cannot express this enough. Successful efforts are the daily opportunities when our lives rest in God's hand and we choose obedience. Surrender to the Lord and allow Him to determine the results of your "yes", resting in the contentment that He is in control, and all His efforts through you will be successful.

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