Thursday, October 10, 2024

Uncircumcised Hearts

"'A time is coming,' says the LORD, 'when I will l punish all those who are circumcised in body but not in spirit...the people of Israel also have uncircumcised hearts.'" Jeremiah 9:25-26

How is your heart today? 

As Bible-believing, Christ followers, we know through reading God's Word there are many things the Lord desires of us. Do not lie. Do not steal. Love your neighbour. Give to the needy. Practice hospitality. Honour parents. Act righteously. Guard our words. Trust. Serve. Go. Tell. Disciple. Really, the list can seem long and overwhelming, especially if we are only going through a checklist of requirements without the relationship that inspires the obedience.

It is like the story of the child who is told repeatedly to sit down. Over and over again the parent is instructing them to be still. Finally, in resignation, they comply, but with these words, "I'm standing on the inside." Outwardly they may appear to be responding in obedience, but in defiance they are just going through the motions that will hopefully, temporarily, satisfy their elders, with no real desire to submit.

Like Matthew 15:8 and Isaiah 29:13, we can say we belong to the Lord and honour Him with our lips, while our hearts are far from Him. The outward can be so easy. We can pretend and present ourselves in a variety of ways before others.

Walking into the department store, I was browsing through the new clothing fashion trends. I could not help but notice that the camouflage print is still prevalent. There was a time when it only came in "army green", but now it seems to be available in a wide range of colours. Apparently, one can blend in and hide just about anywhere. In the same way, an uncircumcised heart can be concealed by righteous activity.

We can often reach into our closets for some "Christian camouflage" so that we appear as abiding morally to all that Christ desires, but inwardly a battle rages. Visually we look the part, but our attire hides a heart that is unresponsive and wasting away. 

This hypocritical covering needs to be addressed and undressed, and this is exactly what God is calling out through the prophet Jeremiah. Too many assumptions can be made regarding another's spiritual depth when they carry the biggest Bible, facilitate Bible studies, hold a diploma from a Bible school, speak at conferences, and support mission projects, while their heart goes unnoticed. Right answers can be taught, and with ease we can speak the expected words and responses, but they can come from an uncircumcised heart.

Our actions can be like "lip service", an external offering without the accompanying submission. Like the child referenced above, we are "still standing on the inside", doing whatever we please, stubbornly following our own desires. We can act and articulate the anticipated, echoing the expected while hearts are living a lie.

Looks can be so deceiving. Even now I'm thinking of those who have complicated and even life-threatening illnesses, yet as they participate in life as much as they are able, they seem to be "fit as a fiddle", looking healthy. Our spiritual health can also be betrayed by religious hypocrisy. In Matthew 23, Jesus puts it this way, "For you are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy - full of greed and self-indulgence!" Our heart health needs a touch from the Great Physician.

A circumcised heart is not about conforming to a set of standards, but having a heart transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Wholeheartedness opens the way for genuine intimacy with God. "Keeping up appearances is the most expensive thing in the world." (A. C. Benson) An uncircumcised heart is costly and compromises all the treasures and blessings the Lord desires to lavish on a life yielded to Him. May it be our desire for the Lord to complete His gracious inner work on our stubborn hearts so that we will love God fully and live for Him alone.

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