Thursday, July 30, 2009

She Speaks Shepherds

"I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will guide you with knowledge and understanding." Jeremiah 3:15

My mind is focused on some "shepherds" who God has used to guide me with knowledge and understanding. Precious women, who this weekend again will be instructing, leading and advising hearts who are desperately seeking God's will for their lives.

I'm referring to my P31 friends.

This weekend over 600 women will gather in North Carolina. Packed carefully in their suitcases are hopes and dreams. Each one coming at the invitation of the Lord. Each one longing to encounter Him personally.

God has chosen and prepared a dedicated team of shepherds to care for His sheep. I know from past experience these girls have hearts like His. Each one radiates His love and draws others to follow hard after Him. Faithful vessels, they will share not as ones who live a text-book faith, but as daughter's of the King who have met Jesus face-to-face and know the challenges of walking with the Lord, as well as the surpassing greatness of His glory. No false pretense. They have discarded masks for authenticity. They will humbly open their lives, share their stories and embrace others.

They will lead, but they will also serve. They will wash feet as they take on needs that are not their own. The sheep have come to be fed, and these precious shepherds will guide each lady to a banqueting table where they can taste and see that the Lord is good. These lambs will be led into peaceful pastures and their thirst quenched by Living Water. These shepherds are following the Shepherd, making following them desireable.

Faithful to His Word, my life is being enriched and my heart is drawing closer to my Savior because of each of them. They are shepherd's after His own heart.

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Danielle said...

Can I just say how much I wish you were going to be there. I would love to me you, sister.

But, nevertheless, I know that although you are absent in body, you will be there with us in spirit.

Thank you!

Tulabell said...

What a heart felt post! I am finding great leadership to my avail in my Christianity. I am so happy to have such good examples in my life, you inlcuded! I pray that I may come into more. While I have many to look to online and this is good, I pray to have more women come into my everyday life here where I live. Have a blessed day!

Sharon Sloan said...

I just love you, Joy. Your writing just blesses my heart. You have so beautifully written how my heart feels as well.

For us this weekend, it is "She Prays". "Devote yourselves to prayer being watchful and thankful." Can't wait to see and hear all He does.

My heart's prayer is summed up in "Word of God Speak" by Mercy Me.

Praying with you.

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

Although I have never been to She Speaks I feel a special bond with the P31 team from having been a regular reader of many of their blogs for more than a year now. I hope that someday I might be able to attend a conference.

What a blessing to have Christian woman who are willing to be "shepherds" to others!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Joy, thanks for the beautiful thoughts this morning. Your post creates a thankful heart for the sheperds we encountered in life and a desire to be used of God to shepherd others. You're precious!


On Purpose said...

Joy this is a beautiful dedication to our God of the truth of She Speaks...what honor you bring to Him with your writing. Thank You for lifting this up today. I am praying and knowing God will do His GREAT and AMAZING work at She Speaks!

Praying with you!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Wish we were there together. I've though a lot about them today.
