Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Disobedience Meets a Miracle of Grace

"Then Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with the staff, and water gushed out..." Numbers 20:11a

How do you respond in times of frustration? Whether you are annoyed at yourself or others, how do you handle the irritation that often, if left unchecked, pretty quickly becomes anger? We can become exasperated with things, situations and people. Sometimes our fuse can be pretty short. 

Moses once again becomes the target of attack in the wilderness. His leadership is questioned and the people blame him for everything they lack. The Israelites need was real but their accusations reveal a deficit of trust. Despite all they had seen God do, every way in which He provided in the past, in the face of fresh discontent they rebel again. This new generation is walking in the same unbelief as the one that came before. Nothing has apparently changed. Have they not learned anything in these 40 years?

With criticism surrounding them, Moses and Aaron fall face down on the ground. They knew where strength could be found. God was their immediate go-to. They were confident they would find refuge and direction in the Lord's presence. In response, the Divine command was clearly given, but somewhere along the road of administration failure occurred. 

God's instruction was to assemble the people, take the staff and speak to the rock. The rock would pour out water, enough to satisfy the people and their livestock. Instead of simply speaking to the rock, Moses struck it, not once, but twice. His actions were in direct disobedience to God's Word. It wasn't so much failure to believe God would provide, but failure to believe simple obedience to God was best. 

We don't know all that motivated his misbehaviour, but aware of our own personal rejection of God's word we can make a few guesses. We do know that he took credit for the miracle, so no doubt pride played a part. He thought he had to help God accomplish His will. Regardless of the reasoning it was wrong. Any justification of actions that walk opposite of God's command always are. Faith is the only correct response to God's word.

Yet, in an incredible miracle of grace, water gushed from the rock. Our sin will never rescind the love and faithfulness of God. When we are faithless, He remains faithful (2 Timothy 2:13). When we fail to believe and obey, still His love gushes out to meet us and pours over and into our lives calling us back to repentance. Even times we do obey, results are never because of our actions, but always because of God's provision and enablement. Yes, Moses faced consequences for his actions, but God didn't abandon him.

As we recall moments of "striking" instead of "speaking", we must learn that there is no possible way to do what is right in wrong ways. We deceive ourselves if we think it is possible. Any loss of self-control has serious ramifications. God will not be mocked. Every small detail with precise attention to His word is required. Moses' attitude and actions did not portray or reflect the character of God. The Lord dealt with Moses, still with love and compassion He met His children's thirst. 

May we humbly take this lesson to heart and live to glorify our Holy God by every step of obedience.

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