Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Don't Stop Believing

"Jesus told them, 'This is the only work God wants from you. Believe in the One He has sent." John 6:29

Multiple times I have heard people express their desire to know the will of God. Maybe they are facing some decisions ahead and they long to know the path to pursue. I've walked that road myself. Choices are before me and I'm seeking the Lord for divine guidance. Do we come to Him trusting He will supply or are we doubtful, wondering how and if He will speak? How paralyzed many Christ-followers are by unbelief.

Before we can believe God, we must make the decision to believe in God. That's not just saying, "Oh, I know there's a God out there somewhere." Many acknowledge the existence of God, but have no personal relationship with Him at all. Countless sitting in Sunday pews rest on their weekly attendance for salvation. This faulty trust is a salvation by works which Christ denies clearly when He says, "The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing..." (John 6:63a). 

We must first receive Him by faith. Multiple times throughout the Gospel of John we read how believing in God brings eternal life. With that belief comes a recognition of His holiness and our sin. Let's be clear, there is one way, and only one way to be saved. It is not true that all roads lead to heaven. God's one and only Son came to earth to be the sacrifice for our sin. When we confess and repent of our sin, Christ forgives. When we believe God raised Jesus from the grave, trusting in the completed work of the cross, we are saved. 

Now, with salvation secure, Jesus tells us to keep believing. This is His will for us. This "work" of believing requires action. This is not a passive noun, but a verb. It's the work and walk of faith. Jesus is telling us to continue to actively believe in Him. Belief in itself is useless. For faith to live and breathe it must walk depending on God. 

I think if we look closely, our lives would reveal our trust displayed in so many other directions. We believe in ourselves, our spouse, our possessions, our vocations, our church, our friends, our family, our wealth, our health and if any of these are shattered, our belief system fails us. Not so with God.

For our walk of belief to be worthy, it will be challenged to keep us moving forward with Him. Belief is not a one-time, done deal event. It's a continual daily, hourly, minute by minute, second by second decision. As we exercise our belief it will grow. Each step of faith empowers the next step of faith. 

Have you made the decision to believe in God? If so, where do you need to believe Him today? Take my hand. We'll walk this road believing God together.

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