Saturday, March 9, 2024

Reaching Jerusalem

"...Jesus went on toward Jerusalem..." Luke 19:28

A little phrase with big impact. Reading through the book of Luke, there are over half a dozen such sentences. The first one is found in Luke 9, as we read "Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem." Knowing exactly where He was going and what would meet Him there, He still went with determination and purpose to fulfill His Father's plan. Those of us who know the gospel story can testify that Jesus made it to His destination. He didn't just "set out" He "went on", eventually arriving. Jerusalem meant persecution and death, yet He never strayed from the path His Father set before Him.

I reflect back over my life and wonder how many times I have embarked on a new divine calling only to find myself stopping at the first roadblock. The barrier may be fear, doubt, insecurity, you name the detour, but suddenly the assurance I knew at the start of the journey has lessened the further I've travelled and I'm questioning whether I even heard God's voice at all. I imagined saying 'yes' would mean the walk would be easier. I was wrong.

I start out with passion and excitement, then the hardships that accompany my "Jerusalem" start to stifle my enthusiasm. This isn't going as I hoped. It's hard. I'm discouraged. I thought there would be more encouragement and acceptance from others. No road stands of refreshment lining the curbs. Where are the cheerleaders rallying with me in support? I feel alone as I navigate oncoming traffic, trucks passing me by and reaching their goal quicker to the sound of thunderous applause. Why isn't that me? This is not what I anticipated! Why is my road so hard?

Arriving in "Jerusalem" means going the distance. It's going to take persistence. A "Jerusalem road" always insists upon sacrifice. It means braving the struggles that will inevitably appear along the way. It requires committing our heart to the destination and not giving up. What if Christ had turned around, refusing Jerusalem? What if He resisted His Father's will? Consider the outcome if Jesus rejected the following of His calling. He walked that path to be crucified and bring us salvation.

Is God calling you to pack your bags and begin a trek in response to His word? The way ahead may look long. New endeavors rarely are accomplished with any great speed. Roads of rejection are most likely going to threaten your resolve and confidence. You will need strength and single-mindedness not to stray. 

Have you noticed what Scripture titles Christ's arrival to Jerusalem? It's described as His triumphant entry. It was victorious! Riding on a donkey, the conquering King fulfilled His Father's plan. May our commitment to the Jerusalems before us be travelled in the strength of our Saviour, giving testimony to the world that Christ is living and reigning in triumph in us.

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