Friday, March 15, 2024

Timing is Everything!

"Next came the Kohathite division of the Levites, carrying the sacred objects from the tabernacle. Before they arrived at the next camp, the Tabernacle would already be set up at its new location." Numbers 9:21

How do you feel about your current placement in life? Are you happy with where the Lord has you or are you jockeying position wishing you were further ahead? Maybe you have no desire to be first in line, but you definitely didn't think you'd be this far back, not after all this time. Doesn't the Lord see all that you're doing? Shouldn't He be calling you further faster? Where's the advancement you thought would have happened by now? You're still striving with all your effort, being bumped and bruised, suffering set-back after set-back. 

As Moses and the Israelites set out from the wilderness of Sinai and begin to travel, the Kohathite division wasn't first, second or even third. Before them marched the tribes of Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, other Levite divisions, Reuben, Simeon and Gad. This actually represents over 337,850 men twenty years old or older who had been registered (see Numbers 1:20-46), not including the number of Levites who were responsible for the Tabernacle.

Maybe you read that and sigh. Yes, that's me. I'm back and buried deep in line. Forgotten. Unseen. Marching along unnoticed. Weary. Exhausted. No sign of breakthrough. Giving your all and doing your best but feeling surrounded and discouraged.

The Kohathite's had been assigned to carry the sacred objects from the tabernacle. I'm guessing it was only a few days prior that they were feeling pretty pleased with their role. After all, they weren't the Gershonite's in general service or the Merarite's only carrying loads. The Kohathite's duties related to the most sacred items. They had been chosen to handle the most valuable. Why had God set them so far back when they held what was most precious?

"Before they arrived at the next camp, the Tabernacle would already be set up at its new location." That's why. God was looking after them. By the time their troops reached their destination, the Levites who had gone before them would have everything prepared to receive the articles the Kohathite's were transporting. Their placement in line was so crucial and intentional. If they were further ahead nothing would be prepared for their arrival. They'd be left standing around carrying a burden that shouldn't be theirs. It was God's care for them, yet they could miss seeing it as they served behind thousands who seemed to be proceeding ahead of them. Timing is everything!

It's not easy being a Kohathite when you long to be up front with Judah. Even with all your efforts back in line, results seem minimal. Confused, you wonder what you're doing and why you should continue. You're walking one step forward and four back. You can't see what God is preparing for you up ahead. It's not you! God is still setting up the way for you to share and others receive all He has entrusted you to carry.

Don't lose heart! Don't compare yourself with those God has called into service around you. It's a constant battle not to allow the bait of Satan to lure our minds to thoughts that lead to insecurity and feelings of failure and worthlessness.

The Lord has created us uniquely. He has a role that only you can fill. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Walk securely in the position God has called you to and trust Him. Whatever your role, it is within His reach and He is using you for His glory!

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