Monday, November 23, 2009

Grammar Lesson

“…Paul felt compelled…” “…God has given us the privilege…” “…I am eager to come to you…” “…I am not ashamed…” Acts 19:23, Romans 1: 5,15,16

I was captivated today by some adverbs, nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Compelled. Privilege. Eager. Not ashamed.

Have I ever felt compelled to do something for Christ?

Do I view sharing what God has done for me a privilege?

Am I eager to tell others about Jesus?

Can I say I am not ashamed of the Good News?

My life needs to be so much more than words. Desiring to live in the active, not passive voice.

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On Purpose said...

You my friend are beautiful lived are MORE than shine Jesus!

~Grace and Peace said...

Amen, Joy. Walking the talk is a lot harder, but the prize is greater!

Unreasonable Grace said...

Amen and ouch!

Deborah Ann said...

You really brought these verbs to life by pointing them out! Nicely done...

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Very challenging words! Great thoughts!!