Friday, April 26, 2024

Betrayer Becomes Bold

"But Peter...replied, 'We must obey God rather than human authority.'" Acts 5:29

After healing a crippled man and having charges laid against them by the council of rulers, elders, and teachers of religious law in Jerusalem, Peter and John return to tell the other disciples all that has happened. Because the two men gave testimony to these leaders that the healing came through the powerful name of Jesus Christ, declaring salvation was found in Him alone, the council threatened these courageous disciples. Peter and John were released however because the leaders feared a riot. When all the other believers heard the report, they lifted their voice in prayer and praise!

Later, facing further opposition from officials and warned against teaching in the name of Jesus, Peter again takes a bold stand proclaiming his allegiance to Christ. He will obey God over any other human authority!

Peter was evidently no longer the same man who, before Christ's crucifixion, quickly denied Jesus when feeling intimidated by a servant girl. Much has changed in Peter's life. He has witnessed the resurrection of his Saviour and has been filled with supernatural power. Things change forever when you see death defeated. Fear diminishes and courage rises.

From cowering to courageous. The man who denied, now determined and deliberate. The dabbler turned disciple. From hiding in the shadow to people seeking to stand in his shadow (Acts 5:15). From impetuous to intentional. What happened?

When God's power shows up His passion is released. A personal encounter with the Lord changes everything, or at least it should. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit enabled a reformation that resulted in the gospel being shared and many coming to know Christ. The key was in the time Peter spent in communion with the Lord. He was becoming like the one with whom he was abiding and there was outward evidence of an inner dwelling, leading to transformation. Peter didn't just simply change his mind. Peter was changed by the presence and power of the Lord.

As you reflect back over your life are there evidences of growth? Can you identify times, when knowing the reality of Christ's presence, you were able to face situations or people who would have formerly made you anxious, but now you stand victorious because of God at work in your life? Have you noticed an increasing measure of personal willingness to share your faith, confirming your allegiance to Christ? You too can go from sporadic dabbler to Spirit-filled disciple as you allow the Lord to permeate your life to overflowing!

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