Thursday, April 4, 2024

Cathedral Building

"...The LORD is God, the LORD alone. And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Write them on the door posts of your house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:4-9

My son and his family visited a couple of days ago for Easter dinner. As conversation around the supper table flowed, I asked my three-year-old grandson Matthew, "Sweetheart, what did you do today? What did you play with mommy and daddy?" I received a one-word response that sounded somewhat like "tomb". I replied, "You made up some tunes?" With his musical father and a home studio this was quite possible, but I was met with a "no". Again he repeated, "tomb". Daddy intervened at this point and confirmed they were playing "tomb". They were reenacting the resurrection of Christ. They had built a tomb out of cushions where Matthew would hide, and then, "after three days", burst out declaring, "Jesus lives!" 

How we must diligently find ways to share Biblical truths with our children in age-appropriate ways. The scripture from Deuteronomy has always been one of my favourite. As parents, we are the primary teachers of portraying and conveying God's word to the next generation. We have to be creative and engaging, bringing Jesus into all our conversations. We cannot leave this training to Sunday School teachers one day a week. They reinforce what is being taught and lived out at home.

Why should so much effort be devoted to wholeheartedly bringing God and His word intentionally before the next generation? I personally long for those who come after me to know the Lord, and one day be in heaven with me. I can't stand the thought of being separated from family and friends for all eternity. My heart is heavy with knowing that hell is real and any who don't respond to Christ's invitation of salvation will never experience heaven. I often pray, that should the Lord tarry, each generation that continues in our family will love the Lord more than the one that came before.

My son became a believer at the age of 3, and to the best of his understanding, began following Jesus. His children, my grandchildren, are that next generation who need to see and hear about Christ. My husband and I have been blessed with weekly opportunities to engage with our grandchildren. We bring the Lord into all our play, finding ways to direct every aspect of all we do to point to Jesus. We talk about our own love for Christ. We praise Him with excitement! We make His name glorious as we live to shine the light of Christ's life before them, letting them see that faith works! We cannot allow anything to distract us from influencing our children to Jesus. When our children and grandchildren run into us, they need to be running into God. 

Don't waste story time! Share your God stories! Talk of His faithfulness. Willful remembrance fuels spiritual vitality.  And don't neglect to speak of your failures. We are not a portrait of perfection, but of God's mercy. Share how God has met you in times of loss and disappointment. Talk about God's provision and the hope you have in Him. 

"The health of the next generation depends on the holiness of the now generation. Our generations courage will determine the next generations conviction. Our generations complacency will result in the next generations captivity. When the now generation encounters the authoritative word of God, the next will encounter the will of God." Samuel Rodriguez

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This scripture text reminds me today that we really can't do too much! The culture is bombarding the younger generation constantly, so we too must go overboard by sharing the greatest story ever told to the youngest and cutest mission field we will be blessed to disciple. I've heard it said that building into our children and grandchildren, we are building a great cathedral for God's glory. 

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