Thursday, April 25, 2024

Seeing and Seizing

"Peter saw his opportunity and addressed the crowd." Acts 3:12a

Disappointed that I did not find the item I was searching for, I headed for the store exit. Funny, I had felt so compelled to stop here. I hadn't left the house planning on coming this way, but an inner prompting persuaded my destination. Now I was frustrated. It was freezing cold outside. I really hadn't had the time for this extra stop. I needed to get home. My husband had just had oral surgery and I should be checking in on him and playing "nurse".

My departure was detained by a young woman leaving he store. I was in such a hurry behind her, at first I didn't see why she was walking so slowly. Completely immersed in my own world, I was unaware of her need or I was choosing not to see. Upon closer observation I realized she was pushing a baby stroller with one hand, while pulling a fully loaded cart with the other. A human "train" so to speak. It was almost Christmas and she was obviously shopping and by the looks of her cart's contents, she had been more fortunate than I.

As she headed towards the parking lot, struggling to keep all her treasures within her grasp, a thought filled my mind. Joy, offer to help her. Immediately I dismissed the idea. I reasoned that she would refuse my help anyway. These days everyone is skeptical of others who offer their services. She would be concerned about "stranger danger". She certainly wouldn't allow me to push her stroller, and I questioned, would she trust me with hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise? Offering to help would only make her nervous. She was handling everything alright. I should just leave her alone.

I turned a blind eye. Unlike Peter, I chose not to see my opportunity. I walked to my car. Unlocked the door. Sat inside. Glanced quickly back. It was then that it happened. As she tried to maneuver all her belongings over the curb, the shopping cart swayed and several of her purchases fell to the pavement. Frustration and exhaustion were written all over her face. As she picked up a skillet, looking for dents, I could almost hear her sigh and see the tear. How could she do it all? Care for an infant, shop, look after all the details of preparing for the holidays, and all in this unbelievably cold weather too. Surely her baby would rather be at home sleeping in a cozy crib, but she had gifts to buy and time was running out. So much still needed to be done. She was weary.

And here I sat. In a warm car. Opportunity seen but not seized. Stricken with guilt gut. My heart aches with my own selfishness. I can't turn back time, even if I wish I could.

Yes, I know, many of you would have helped without hesitation. You would have even gone the second mile, loading her car, returning her cart, making Jesus visible. I made a wrong decision. No excuses. No justifying. Just remorse.

Oh Lord, please forgive me for the many times I have not obeyed Your voice and neglected to seize the opportunity that I see standing right in front of me to share Your love. I can't go back, but I can move forward. Help me become someone You can turn to and say, "I'll ask Joy. She embraces My plans for her, trusts Me and steps out in faith."

I had felt compelled to go to this store, but I didn't purchase one thing. I believe now that God placed me there for the purpose of being His hands and feet to a young mom in need, but instead of letting her meet Jesus in an overcrowded parking lot, I said 'no' and walked away. And so tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, and all my tomorrow's I will be looking for that one in need. For the weary and wounded. For the broken and betrayed. For the forgotten and forsaken. For the lonely and the loveless. For the abused and abandoned. For the busy and the burdened. For the harried and the harassed. For whoever God allows me to see.

What about you? Don’t just see an opportunity, seize it!!!

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