Saturday, April 6, 2024

No Editing!

"So be careful to obey all the commands I give you. You must not add anything to them or subtract anything from them." Deuteronomy 12:32

Years ago I received an email from a lady at my church requesting if I would consider editing a speech that she was preparing to share at a family gathering. I was blown away by the request. I'm not an editor. What did I know about revising anyone's writing? Did I even want the responsibility? What if I happened to offend her by correcting or changing her work? I'm not a genius in the literary field, although I do have a passion for words, and I certainly was willing to help. I agreed to read it over and gently "tweak" if necessary.

It's a daunting job to play editor, and I do mean "play", as I have absolutely no training. Working with another's words without inserting an opinion or disturbing the author's perspective and personality is challenging. It was tempting to add or subtract sentences based solely on my preference. English was not this woman's native tongue, so some phrases were backwards and some concepts a little confused. By the time I finished, I truly believe I kept her ideas intact. The message remained the same, just packaged with some new expression.

I wonder if we sometimes take on the role of "Editor" when it comes to God's Word. Do I believe that every sentence in the Bible is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, training and correcting? (2 Timothy 3:16) Am I convinced that every sentence and every thought in the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit? Do I sometimes desire to add or delete certain phrases, words, and even complete passages based on my obedience quotient? If God's directives fit neatly into my life with relative ease, I'll embrace and follow, but those that require effort, surrender and change I'll exclude or re-write to suit my schedule and agenda. After all, God certainly didn't mean we had to obey ALL of His Word, did He? It's not really commandments, but simply suggestions...right?

WRONG! God doesn't want us to omit one "jot" or "tittle" (Matthew 5:18). We are called to carefully walk in obedience to every command, not exaggerating or eliminating anything. We must adhere to every requirement, dotting every "i" and crossing every "t" as the expression goes. Although I had the freedom to edit this friend's paper, I do not have permission to edit God's Word. We must read it with the intent to fulfill it completely.

The beautiful benefit the Israelites received was the blessings He showered upon them when they complied. Their choice to obey brought rewards. God promised to richly provide when they walked in His ways. In Christ, now we are not under the Old Covenant, but because of Jesus we are positionally blessed. There are still consequences for disobedience, but unlike the Israelites, under the New Covenant the curse is gone. Moses and the people of God faced a clear cause and effect relationship with God. We rejoice today in one of mercy and grace. Our followship is motivated by love.

God still sets the standard for our worship and obedience, not our human opinion. How I pray the Lord will keep me faithful in the reading and sharing of His Word. May I not look at Scripture to make editorial corrections, but instead, in my obedience, may I allow the Divine Editor to use His Word to refine my life and change my character to reflect Christ.

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