Thursday, April 18, 2024

Who You Gonna Call?

"...but they did not consult the LORD." Joshua 9:14b

Who do you consult about the big and little things in life? If a decision needs to be made, how do you go about discovering the best way to proceed? Many seek out facts, becoming more knowledgeable, so they can make a wise and informed decision. Maybe you ask advice from family or call a couple of friends. Some just quickly choose a response that will make them happiest and be the easiest.

In the spring of 2021 I was informed that I had osteoporosis. At the time of diagnosis my oncologist gave me two months to make an informed decision regarding three treatment options. During those two months I prayed for the Lord to somehow speak to me so I would know how to respond when the decision needed to be made.

About a week before the scheduled phone appointment with my Doctor, I still didn't know which direction to take. For two months I had sought the Lord's will daily, and I felt so confident that He was going to somehow specifically guide. On this morning I opened God's Word as I do every morning, believing and trusting, knowing God still had seven days to provide guidance and knowing all He needed was a moment. I prayed I wouldn't miss anything He wanted to say.

My reading that morning included Psalm 34. It's such a beautiful Psalm. It holds the precious verses, "Taste and see that the Lord is good"; "All who look to Him are radiant." I was reading along just enjoying the sweet truths in His word when suddenly I came to verse 20: "For the LORD protects the bones of the righteous; not one of them is broken!"

I remember stopping at that time as those words jumped off the page and I immediately asked, "Lord, are You saying that You will keep my bones?" Knowing the difficulty I might face by refusing any suggested medical treatment, I prayed that if this was God's answer to me, He would confirm it again before the physician's phone call. I prayed that I wouldn't be taking scripture out of context and that if God wanted me to trust Him and do nothing in the way of intervention at this time, somehow, He would verify this direction to me.

A few days later a friend shared a verse on social media. It was Isaiah 58:11, "The Lord will guide you continually." I loved the assurance of that promise. I immediately thanked the Lord, and committed again to keep trusting that He would bring clarification and validation. I grabbed my Bible to underline the verse from Isaiah, and as I did, I realized what my friend had shared was not the entire text. As I began to highlight the words, this is what I read: "The Lord will guide you continually; He will satisfy your desire in scorched places and will make your bones strong..." WHAT? I had not intentionally gone looking for "bone" verses, but here it was again.

I began praying that my oncologist would receive my response without argument, and the incredible thing was, he did! The following two years I went for bone density tests, and both revealed an increase in bone density. In fact, so pleased was he with the last test, he said we could wait two years to do a repeat scan! The Lord may still call me to medical intervention at some point, I don't know, but for now I'm responding in obedience to His direction for me until He guides otherwise.

In Joshua 9 we see the Israelite leaders being deceived by their enemies and ratifying an agreement with a binding oath based on their own perception of how things appeared. They did not seek counsel of the Lord, but, based on appearances, forged ahead on their own. 

Consulting God is the remedy for regrettable responses. Our understanding is limited, but God's is divine. He knows the choices we should make and the best paths to follow. Every decision has a consequence for good or bad. We can't afford to act presumptuously relying on our wisdom. Seek the Lord in all things, and have faith He will provide.

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