Friday, April 19, 2024


"...the LORD destroyed them with a terrible hail storm from heaven...The hail killed more of the enemy than the Israelites killed with the sword...the sun stood still and the moon stayed in place...The sun stayed in the middle of the sky and it did not set as on a normal day. There has never been a day like this one before or since, when the LORD answered such a prayer. Surely the LORD fought for Israel that day!" - Joshua 10:11, 13-14

I do not know a lot about astronomy. I really don't have much of a scientific mind. I don't understand weather patterns, although I do check the forecast most days. Recently we were the observers of a solar eclipse. The moon passed between the earth and the sun, obscuring the view of the sun from parts of our planet for a few minutes at a time. Although we couldn't see much occurring because of the clouds present, the sky grew dark and we knew something incredible was happening.

Listening to the different media broadcasts during the event was quite disheartening. The response on social media was equally disappointing. In an online neighbourhood group that I belong to, one dear lady mentioned the darkness that fell over the earth at Christ's crucifixion. Although this was vastly shorter in duration, she wondered if it had been similar. The comments she received all credited "mother nature". One person wrote: "Please people, it is purely planet and universal scheduling." And... who do you think does that scheduling?

Psalm 33:6 says, "The LORD merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born." In Isaiah 45:12 God declares, "I am the One who made the earth and created human beings to live there. By My power I stretched out the heavens; I control the sun, the moon and the stars." 

In Joshua 10 we are reminded of the sovereign rule of God over nature. In a display of His great power and for the protection of His people, He does two absolutely incredible acts. First, He sends a terrible hail storm from heaven that kills more of the enemy than those actually fighting with the sword. This wasn't random. It can't be explained as a phenomenon of nature. God routed the enemy and then rained down hail with precise timing and aim so that His mighty hand was evident. Second, God responds to a remarkable prayer of boldness and faith, as Joshua requested the Lord to stop the sun and the moon in their tracks. Who would even think to ask that? Obviously the prayer itself was placed on Joshua's heart by the Lord, so that the Israelites would see God's power on display once again.

What an encouraging reminder this portion of scripture is to us. It reminds us of the unique miracles God designs to manifest His presence as He reigns over all the earth. It also expands our belief. Our finite minds come up with finite solutions and so often we pray finite prayers. We need to grasp a bigger picture of our limitless God. We often want to have explainable solutions. We worry far too much about the "how" when we should be broadening our view of "Who". He is never restricted or bound by our human comprehension. Just because we can't explain it, doesn't mean God can't do it!

What situation are you facing right now that needs a "hail storm" or a "stationary sun and moon"? Do you really know that God can intervene at any time and in any way? And even more mind-blowing is the truth that He sees you and knows you by name and absolutely nothing you're experiencing is hidden from Him. Our God is big! His thoughts are not our thoughts, nor His ways our ways. He loves us, sees us, and by the power of His hand He holds us! Praise be to God!

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