Saturday, April 13, 2024

Stuck in the Tree of Knowledge

"The LORD our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that He has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions." Deuteronomy 29:29

Have you ever sat in a discussion group that becomes more of a debate, as attendees determine to correctly interpret and understand a passage of scripture? I love the study of God's Word, and my bookshelves are filled with various translations of the Bible, concordances, study guides and commentaries. If a passage of scripture has me confused, I'm quick to go online to some of my favourite Bible teachers to see if I can glean insight into the text, asking the Lord to guide me to understanding through the power of His Holy Spirit. Unfortunately though, sometimes, like our ancestors in the garden of Eden, we find ourselves stuck in the tree of knowledge, the source of original sin.

I think a problem can arise when research takes over revelation. We can be so adamant to know God's thoughts and interpretation that we can be straining at gnats while swallowing camels. We focus on something, that though important, shifts our thoughts away from the larger truth God is wanting to reveal. We get so side-tracked by a "bunny trail" that we accentuate the lesser important while completely missing the overall lesson the Lord is trying to teach us. We take great pains over the minor, while disregarding the major. If the answer really has no bearing over salvation, eternity or how I will live for Jesus, let it go.

Head knowledge is not the ultimate outcome. I've sat in gatherings where the entire time has been concentrated on interpreting one verse of scripture whose exegesis ends in more confusion. Instead of leaving the Bible study with a sense we have met with the Lord, learning from Him, I exit frustrated and annoyed. I often think if we would spend as much time discussing the obvious truths we know to be justifiable and plainly expressed in God's Word, walking in obedience to them, then the hours together would have been more productive and edifying to the Lord. The Psalmist writes it this way in Psalm 131:1, "I don't concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me to grasp."

There are secrets in scripture only known to the Lord. Accept that! There is mystery that surrounds God. If we were to fully understand every detail, we would all become our own little "g" gods. We would hold all the answers. Know everything. Trust in our own knowledge. Instead, the Lord keeps some things hidden from our understanding. It's actually so incredible that the Lord does choose to reveal some of His sweet secrets to us, but there is some knowledge that God keeps to Himself.

In the book of Deuteronomy we read through so many commands that we are accountable to obey. If we put as much effort and attention into following God's revealed truth as we do to figuring out what we will never fully understand, we'd be more content, instead of stirring up contention and controversy. Paul writes to Titus, "avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless" (3:9).  As we struggle to answer the "why's" and "how's" of God, knowing the meaning could be a hidden secret belonging to the Lord, can be a calming encouragement.

God reveals Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ, and He desires us to learn how to live our lives by walking in His steps. Father, protect me from the pain that questioning every word can bring and help me trust You when I don't understand. May I remember that Your ways and thoughts are higher than mine (Is 55:9) and relinquish to You any anxiety that the unknown holds. Thank You for the one thing I know for certain. I am Yours and You are mine!

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