Monday, May 27, 2024

Day 41 Meets the Breath of God

"For forty days, every morning and evening, the Philistine champion strutted in front of the Israelite army....So David...picked up five smooth stones from a stream and put them into his shepherd's bag. Then, armed only with his shepherd's staff and sling, he started across the valley to fight the Philistine." 1 Samuel 17:16, 39-40

The account of David and Goliath is a familiar one. The first song I remember my son singing had these lyrics, "God is bigger than a giant, God is strong as He can be, I can do all things through Jesus, Because He lives in me!" Those truths are powerful to recall at any age as giants still threaten, taunt and tease. However, what I want to look at today is the significance of a couple of numbers. 

Often my attention is drawn to the repetition of certain lengths of time. Did you know that the number 40 appears over 150 times in scripture? Of those references, "forty days" is specifically mentioned 24 times. I don't want to over-spiritualize or over-emphasize something that is non-consequential, as 40 can simply and literally mean 40, but there is evidence that it also accompanies times of trouble and hardship.

I'm not focusing so much on the actual numerology, hidden message or secret code, but instead drawing attention to the outcome. God's Word speaks plainly and He is not trying to hide meaning. What I want us to consider is day 41. 

Recently there has been an article circulating on social media drawing attention to the number 40. I'm not quoting it here, but it does reference many of the "40 day" references found in the Bible. We read in Genesis how it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, then day 41 came and the rain stopped. Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days before receiving the Ten Commandments from God on day 41. The prophet Jonah preached to the Ninevites for 40 days and on day 41 God spared their lives. Jesus Himself fasted for 40 days while being tempted by the devil, and on day 41 His enemy fled. After Christ's resurrection, He appeared to His disciples for 40 days, and on day 41 ascended into heaven. After 40 days of listening to Goliath defy the armies of Israel, along came day 41 and God, through David, slew the giant. 

I wonder how often we miss the miracle of our day 41. Forty days is a long time to endure continual hardship. We cannot give up or give in. Direction will come, salvation will happen, temptation will end, hope of eternity is certain, rain stops, promised land is entered and giants fall.

But next I ponder the mention of five stones. We all know it wasn't the impact of the rock from the stream that made Goliath fall, but the hand of the Rock of Ages. If the stone had any influence on contact, the giant would have fallen backwards, not forward. That's just a simple law of science. Any object hit by another will continue to travel in the same direction. God alone slayed the giant, so why five stones? The number five in scripture has been associated with the grace and favour of God. The pronunciation of this digit is similar to the sound of exhaling. You could say it was the breath of God that fell Goliath.

Where do you need to experience the breath of God in your life today? Forty days represents a time of endurance, but as in each example above, it didn't last forever. We can't quit a day to soon. The breath of God, His very Spirit, will impart His presence and power to give you the strength needed to continue. As the ancient hymn lyrics express, we join in prayer asking the Lord to breathe on us breath of God, filling us with life anew. Day "41" is coming.

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