Saturday, May 4, 2024

Let Your Anchor Hold

"When a light wind began blowing from the south, the sailors thought they could make it. So they pulled up anchor and sailed close to the shore of Crete." Acts 27:13

A slight change in the weather. A few calm breezes offered a brief reprieve. Despite Paul's warning, the owner of the ship desired to take advantage of the momentary, peaceful climate. The sailors thought they could make it so they "pulled up anchor."

When storms in our lives abate for intervals of time, do we "pull up anchor", immediately assuming that the crisis is over and we're fine to set sail on our own? A lessening of wind can provide a grace breather, but we need to be cautious not to presume anything too soon. We can't be too impulsive when interpreting a shift in circumstances. Just because the breeze is currently gentle it is not an invitation to trust in our own perspective. Without consulting the Lord, we must not pull up anchor and give way to the sea. We will become powerless on our own. We will only survive by following the directions of the One who is Master of the storm.

We can create our own false sense of security when we evaluate situations without first seeking the Lord. Relying on our own analysis and understanding can be dangerous. We can't see around the bend. Even when God's direction makes absolutely no sense, to foolishly move based on our outlook can result in serious consequences. When we "pull up anchor" prematurely we can guarantee rough waters ahead. Thinking we can make it on our own will end in shipwreck.

We need an anchor. Gale force winds will touch our lives. Storms are inevitable. Our faith must be securely held and our hope in Christ firm. Charles Swindoll wrote, "Any sailor will tell you that only as the storm rages do we realize the strength of the anchor." When the sea is calm, we can have the tendency to forget the One who holds us secure. Paul's anchor was in God. He trusted Him in the storm and listened and believed His voice. A few verses later Paul says, "For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me, and he said, 'Don't be afraid, Paul, for you will surely stand trial before Caesar! What's more, God in His goodness has granted safety to everyone sailing with you.' So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as He said." Acts 27:23-25

This experience on rough waters could have been avoided if the sailors had listened to Paul's original warning, but since they did not heed his caution, thinking they were capable to handle the navigation on their own, now they are facing unnecessary storms. Taking matters into our hands and pulling up anchor to please personal desire is foolish. How we need the continual, constant instruction of the Lord.

Did you notice where God positioned Himself in the storm? Paul said the angel of God stood beside him. God stands beside us in our storms. He doesn't abandon us when we recklessly disregard His direction. Yes, we will suffer consequences, but He doesn't leave us. Not only is He close to us, but He knows the way through uncharted seas. God told Paul he will make it to Rome. He will come before Caesar. The only way for this to happen is for him to arrive at his destination. Even in our disobedience, God keeps His word.

Is your anchor secure? Don't let a break in the clouds cause you to stop seeking His will. Keep looking to the Lord. If He has already spoken, don't carelessly set sail at the first sign of relief. Let your anchor hold. But don't just take my word, take His.

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1 comment:

Blaky said...

Thank you for this wise word, Joy! Such an important reminder to stay focused on God, and to be listening for His voice in our lives <3