Sunday, May 5, 2024

Whose Side Are You On?

"What if the LORD had not been on our side?... Our help is from the LORD, who made heaven and earth." Psalm 124:1a, 8

Psalm 124 is one of the fifteen Psalms of Ascent. The pilgrims travelling to the great Jewish feasts sang these songs along the way. According to a collection of ancient Rabbinic writings, they also correspond somehow to the fifteen steps of the temple. With that association in mind, the compilation of these Psalms has even been referenced as "a song of the steps". Still to this day, the Psalms help us navigate our walk with the Lord. They are a vital part of our journey, offering great encouragement as they speak to so many concerns and emotions.

Although slightly different than the question posed by the Psalmist, I often ponder, "What do people do without the Lord?" I honestly don't know how anyone can get through life without Him. God comes to us as our Helper, providing not only what we need, but more than we need. Do you believe today, right now, at this moment, that God is on your side?

Many people live life doubting that God is actually for them. They may not voice those exact words, but it is evidenced through fear, insecurity, worry and a variety of other actions. They wouldn't necessarily say that God is against them, they wouldn't accuse God so directly, but is He really for them? We sadly look at the circumstances in our lives, and if God hasn't answered according to our will, we take that as the criteria to measure the extent of His "on our side".

Sometimes God reveals He is on our side, by answering 'no' to our prayer request so that we can 'know' Him more. You see, someone who supports us doesn't just give us what we want, but what we need. It's not all compliments, sunshine and roses. The One on our side speaks truth and correction. He cares more about our character than our comfort. God is willing to risk being misunderstood. He can handle our confusion, but be reassured He knows what is most beneficial and truly is working our best for His glory.

Yesterday I was chatting with a mom of a teenage daughter. This young gal is pushing boundaries and responding negatively to her parents. As my friend shared the concerns she has for her eldest child, she also reaffirmed her trust in the Lord knowing that the Lord, the Creator and Maker of heaven and earth is on her side. As she and her husband seek to honour Him and raise all their children in the Lord, she acknowledged the presence of God, surrendering to His will for this girl, praying she won't have to experience too much of this world before turning her heart back to her Saviour. Affirming that God is working in ways she just can't see right now, she knows God is siding with them, keeping His hand on this wanderer and desiring for her soon return as her parents and others keep praying.

Just because situations are not looking the way we think they should, for those of us who know Christ personally, do not lose faith. God is on our side. Not only is He with us, but He is in us. Maybe the greater thought to consider is one Abraham Lincoln expressed. "Sir, my concern is not whether God is on my side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right." 

I'm siding with God. Are you?

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